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Gómez, César, Martí Ruiz-Altaba and Germán Sierra:
Quantum Groups in Two-Dimensional Physics ISBN 10: 0521020042ISBN 13: 9780521020046
Cambridge University Press, 2005.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Physik

Gómez, César, Martí Ruiz-Altaba and Germán Sierra:  Quantum Groups in Two-Dimensional Physics   ISBN 10: 0521020042ISBN 13: 9780521020046
( Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics ) VERY fresh copy - ( NEUDRUCK auf ANFRAGE: Euro 132.- ) This book is an introduction to integrability and conformal field theory in two dimensions using quantum groups. The book begins with a brief introduction to S-matrices, spin chains and vertex models as a prelude to the study of Yang-Baxter algebras and the Bethe ansatz. The basic ideas of integrable systems are then introduced, giving particular emphasis to vertex and face models. Special attention is given to explaining the underlying mathematical tools, including braid groups, knot invariants and towers of algebra. The book then goes on to give a detailed introduction to quantum groups as a prelude to chapters on integrable models, two-dimensional conformal field theories and superconformal field theories. The book contains many diagrams and exercises to illustrate key points in the text. Originalbroschur. 24 cm XVIII, 457 Seiten. Index

VERY fresh copy - ( NEUDRUCK auf ANFRAGE: Euro 132.- ) This book is an introduction to integrability and conformal field theory in two dimensions using quantum groups. The book begins with a brief introduction to S-matrices, spin chains and vertex models as a prelude to the study of Yang-Baxter algebras and the Bethe ansatz. The basic ideas of integrable systems are then introduced, giving particular emphasis to vertex and face models. Special attention is given to explaining the underlying mathematical tools, including braid groups, knot invariants and towers of algebra. The book then goes on to give a detailed introduction to quantum groups as a prelude to chapters on integrable models, two-dimensional conformal field theories and superconformal field theories. The book contains many diagrams and exercises to illustrate key points in the text.

[SW: Physik]
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,50
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,50
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