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Northrop, Henry Davenport:
Pictorial History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent to the Present Time...Including a Full Description of our New Possessions. Embellished with over 500 superb Engravings. Vol I (and) Vol. II.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geschichte - allgemein

Northrop, Henry Davenport: Pictorial History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent to the Present Time...Including a Full Description of our New Possessions. Embellished with over 500 superb Engravings. Vol I (and) Vol. II.
Einbände nur sehr schwach berieben; Papier nur sehr vereinzelt - randgebräunt / braunfleckig; Insgesamt saubere - sehr gut erhaltene Exemplare.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 5,50
Lieferzeit: 1 - 4 Werktage
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Jäckel, Eberhard: Umgang mit Vergangenheit : Beitrag zur Geschichte
Jäckel, Eberhard:
Umgang mit Vergangenheit : Beitrag zur Geschichte

EUR 4,50
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Passow, A.: Die schwarzen Napoleone in Südafrika.
Passow, A.:
Die schwarzen Napoleone in Südafrika.

EUR 54,00
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Bender, Hans (Herausgeber): Geschichten aus dem 2.Weltkrieg.
Bender, Hans (Herausgeber):
Geschichten aus dem 2.Weltkrieg.

EUR 10,00
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Blagdon, Francis William: The Modern Geographer, being a general and complete description of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, with the oceans, seas, and islands in every part of the world. Including an exposition of the civil and military governments... and a copious explanation of the manners, costume, amusements, and religions of the respective inhabitants. Volum IV. Containing the geography of Europe. (General description - Northern States - Norway - Denmark - Sweden - England - Wales - Scotland - Ireland)
Blagdon, Francis William:
The Modern Geographer, being a general and complete description of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, with the oceans, seas, and islands in every part of the world. Including an exposition of the civil and military governments... and a copious explanation of the manners, costume, amusements, and religions of the respective inhabitants. Volum IV. Containing the geography of Europe. (General description - Northern States - Norway - Denmark - Sweden - England - Wales - Scotland - Ireland)

EUR 75,00
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EUR 90,00
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 5,50
Lieferzeit: 1 - 4 Werktage
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Bestell-Nr.: 79838

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