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Es wurden insgesamt 342 Artikel gefunden. Artikel 1 bis 15 werden dargestellt.

Henry Joly: Note sur deux Coeloceras du toacien - Le Pissode du sapin dans les Vosges - P.Fliche: Flore fossile du Trias en Lorraine et en Franche-Comte - C.Millot: Brouillards de mars et gelees de mai - Dumont P.: Le vipere dans nos pays - E.Noel: Note sur l`orientation des galets dans un courant et la direction des courants en quelques points du gres vosgien - M.Petitmengin: Considerations botaniques sur le massif du mont Viso and others. (= Bulletin des Seances de la Societe des Sciences de Nancy - 6.Annee, 1905.). Nancy, Imprimerie Centrale de L`est 1905. Einband etwas berieben, ansonst guter und sauberer Zustand, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sommaire: Henry Joly: Note sur deux Coeloceras du toacien - Le Pissode du sapin dans les Vosges - P.Fliche: Flore fossile du Trias en Lorraine et en Franche-Comte - C.Millot: Brouillards de mars et gelees de mai - Dumont P.: Le vipere dans nos pays - E.Noel: Note sur l`orientation des galets dans un courant et la direction des courants en quelques points du gres vosgien - M.Petitmengin: Considerations botaniques sur le massif du mont Viso and others Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, Bibl.Hlwd.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeHlwd. = Halbleinwand with some plates, 155, 66 Seiten, 1. Aufl. Einband etwas berieben, ansonst guter und sauberer Zustand, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sommaire: Henry Joly: Note sur deux Coeloceras du toacien - Le Pissode du sapin dans les Vosges - P.Fliche: Flore fossile du Trias en Lorraine et en Franche-Comte - C.Millot: Brouillards de mars et gelees de mai - Dumont P.: Le vipere dans nos pays - E.Noel: Note sur l`orientation des galets dans un courant et la direction des courants en quelques points du gres vosgien - M.Petitmengin: Considerations botaniques sur le massif du mont Viso and others
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Bestell-Nr.: 64684 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Naturwissenschaften
Anbieter: Antiquariat Deinbacher, AT-3142 Murstetten

EUR 15,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 8,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Sommaire:R.Maire/M.Petitmengin: Etude des plantes vasculaires recoltees en Grce -M.T.Klobb: Notice sur les travaux scientifiques de F.Schlagdenhaussen - Emile Mer: Nouvelles recherches sur la maladie des branches de sapin causee par le Phona Abietina - M.A.coppey: Les Muscinees des environs de Nancy - Georges Goury: Le cimetiere franc de la Justice de Hans - and others. (= Bulletin des Seances de la Societe des Sciences de Nancy - 9.Annee, 1908.). Nancy, Imprimerie Centrale de L`est 1908. Einband etwas berieben, ansonst guter und sauberer Zustand, --------------------------------- Sommaire:R.Maire/M.Petitmengin: Etude des plantes vasculaires recoltees en Grce -M.T.Klobb: Notice sur les travaux scientifiques de F.Schlagdenhaussen - Emile Mer: Nouvelles recherches sur la maladie des branches de sapin causee par le Phona Abietina - M.A.coppey: Les Muscinees des environs de Nancy - Georges Goury: Le cimetiere franc de la Justice de Hans - and others. Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, Bibl.Hlwd.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeHlwd. = Halbleinwand with some plates, xxi, 598 Seiten, 1. Aufl. Einband etwas berieben, ansonst guter und sauberer Zustand, --------------------------------- Sommaire:R.Maire/M.Petitmengin: Etude des plantes vasculaires recoltees en Grce -M.T.Klobb: Notice sur les travaux scientifiques de F.Schlagdenhaussen - Emile Mer: Nouvelles recherches sur la maladie des branches de sapin causee par le Phona Abietina - M.A.coppey: Les Muscinees des environs de Nancy - Georges Goury: Le cimetiere franc de la Justice de Hans - and others.
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Bestell-Nr.: 64690 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Naturwissenschaften
Anbieter: Antiquariat Deinbacher, AT-3142 Murstetten

EUR 15,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 8,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Sommaire: Emile Mer: Le Lophoder,ium macrosporum, parasite des aiguilles d`epicea - Mathieu Mieg: Note sur l`age et l`industrie Paleolithique des grottes d`Istein M.E.Noel: Sur la Surface libre d`une nappe aqiifere sur une prevision de debit de source - Paul Vuillemin: Les Conidiospores - and others. (= Bulletin des Seances de la Societe des Sciences de Nancy - 11.Annee, 1910.). Nancy, Imprimerie Centrale de L`est 1910. Einband etwas berieben, ansonst guter und sauberer Zustand, ----------------------------------------------------- Sommaire: Emile Mer: Le Lophoder,ium macrosporum, parasite des aiguilles d`epicea - Mathieu Mieg: Note sur l`age et l`industrie Paleolithique des grottes d`Istein M.E.Noel: Sur la Surface libre d`une nappe aqiifere sur une prevision de debit de source - Paul Vuillemin: Les Conidiospores - and others Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, Bibl.Hlwd.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeHlwd. = Halbleinwand with some plates, xx, 281 Seiten, 1. Aufl. Einband etwas berieben, ansonst guter und sauberer Zustand, ----------------------------------------------------- Sommaire: Emile Mer: Le Lophoder,ium macrosporum, parasite des aiguilles d`epicea - Mathieu Mieg: Note sur l`age et l`industrie Paleolithique des grottes d`Istein M.E.Noel: Sur la Surface libre d`une nappe aqiifere sur une prevision de debit de source - Paul Vuillemin: Les Conidiospores - and others
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Bestell-Nr.: 64687 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Naturwissenschaften
Anbieter: Antiquariat Deinbacher, AT-3142 Murstetten

EUR 15,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 8,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Sommaire: M.E.Noel: Infiltrations et sources dans la dorsale tunisienne - MM:Bruntz/Spillmann: Contribution a i`etude de la fonction eliminatrice des Leucocytes - Bernard Renault: Le bourgeon femelle des Cordaites d`apres les preparations - M.J.Beaupre: Le Mur cyclopeen de la TriniteR.P.Pionnier: Lichens recueillis dans la Nouvelle-Caledonie ou en Australie - and others. (= Bulletin des Seances de la Societe des Sciences de Nancy - 12.Annee, 1911.). Nancy, Imprimerie Centrale de L`est 1911. Einband etwas berieben, ansonst guter und sauberer Zustand, ------------------------------------------------------- Sommaire: M.E.Noel: Infiltrations et sources dans la dorsale tunisienne - MM:Bruntz/Spillmann: Contribution a i`etude de la fonction eliminatrice des Leucocytes - Bernard Renault: Le bourgeon femelle des Cordaites d`apres les preparations - M.J.Beaupre: Le Mur cyclopeen de la TriniteR.P.Pionnier: Lichens recueillis dans la Nouvelle-Caledonie ou en Australie - and others Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, Bibl.Hlwd.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeHlwd. = Halbleinwand with some plates, 287, 38 Seiten, 1. Aufl. Einband etwas berieben, ansonst guter und sauberer Zustand, ------------------------------------------------------- Sommaire: M.E.Noel: Infiltrations et sources dans la dorsale tunisienne - MM:Bruntz/Spillmann: Contribution a i`etude de la fonction eliminatrice des Leucocytes - Bernard Renault: Le bourgeon femelle des Cordaites d`apres les preparations - M.J.Beaupre: Le Mur cyclopeen de la TriniteR.P.Pionnier: Lichens recueillis dans la Nouvelle-Caledonie ou en Australie - and others
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Bestell-Nr.: 64685 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Naturwissenschaften
Anbieter: Antiquariat Deinbacher, AT-3142 Murstetten

EUR 15,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 8,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Sommaire: MM.A.Sartory et Bertrand: Les champignons comestibles et non comestibles des environs de Nancy - M.E.Cuif: Meteorologie comparee agricole et Forestiere - Edmond Guillemin: Multiplications normales et teratologiques chez les vegetaux phanerogames - La genese des groupements duplicitaires chez l*homme et les mammiferes - and others. (= Bulletin des Seances de la Societe des Sciences de Nancy - 14.Annee, 1913.). Nancy, Imprimerie Centrale de L`est 1913. Einband etwas berieben, ansonst guter und sauberer Zustand, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sommaire: MM.A.Sartory et Bertrand: Les champignons comestibles et non comestibles des environs de Nancy - M.E.Cuif: Meteorologie comparee agricole et Forestiere - Edmond Guillemin: Multiplications normales et teratologiques chez les vegetaux phanerogames - La genese des groupements duplicitaires chez l*homme et les mammiferes - and others Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, Bibl.Hlwd.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeHlwd. = Halbleinwand with some plates, 395 Seiten, 1. Aufl. Einband etwas berieben, ansonst guter und sauberer Zustand, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sommaire: MM.A.Sartory et Bertrand: Les champignons comestibles et non comestibles des environs de Nancy - M.E.Cuif: Meteorologie comparee agricole et Forestiere - Edmond Guillemin: Multiplications normales et teratologiques chez les vegetaux phanerogames - La genese des groupements duplicitaires chez l*homme et les mammiferes - and others
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Bestell-Nr.: 64686 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Naturwissenschaften
Anbieter: Antiquariat Deinbacher, AT-3142 Murstetten

EUR 15,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 8,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


K. Friedman, F. Conz and others [Text]  Bob Watts, Exhibition catalogue from Obalne Galerije, Piran, 1999. Texts by K. Friedman, F. Conz and others

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K. Friedman, F. Conz and others [Text] Bob Watts, Exhibition catalogue from Obalne Galerije, Piran, 1999. Texts by K. Friedman, F. Conz and others Piran: Obalne Galerije. 1999 23 x 22,5 cm. 48 S. ;. Engl. Broschiert mit Klammer Zustand: Gut bis Sehr Gut, gering wellig (Innen); Einband Außen hat leichte Gebrauchsspuren; Hinterdeckel ist mittel leicht uneben-knickspurig; Text auch in englischer Sprache;
[SW: Museums- Ausstellungsbuch Galerien Kataloge Bildbände]
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Bestell-Nr.: 555201 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Kunst/Grafik/Design/Skulptur/Malerei/Bilder
Anbieter: Gebrauchtbücherlogistik, DE-51647 Gummersbach
Versandkostenfrei nach Deutschland (Land-/Seeweg) ab EUR 300,00 Bestellwert bei diesem Anbieter.

EUR 9,48
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Linklater, Eric: Karina with Love. With Photographs by Karl W. Gullers. Macmillan & Co, London, 1958. Nur der Umschlag mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren, sonst SEHR gutes Exemplar. Karl Werner Edmund Gullers (September 5, 1916 – February 21, 1998),[1] was a Swedish press and commercial photographer, and also the model for Stieg Trenter`s crime novel Harry Friberg. Gullers established his photography business in 1938 under the name Studio Gullers and it was active until 1978. Early years Gullers was one of five children of Emil, a lawyer and farmer`s son from Rising, Östergötland (one of the founders of what is now the Swedish Liberal Party) and Anna Charlotta Gullers, a teacher. He grew up in Klara, the most central parish in Stockholm. He was brother of Arvid Gullers, and half-brother of Waldemar Gullers, Maj Amalia Gullers, Sigrid Augusta Järemo and Emil Ragnar Gullers. He frequently borrowed his brother`s camera and at the age of twelve his father bought him his own, a Kodak Brownie box camera. Three years later, in 1932, he began working for Anders Forsner, a leading photographer in Stockholm, who gave him his photographic education. He also photographed after hours, learning to use available light, which he continued to favour even for industrial photography. He was one of the founders of the blixthatarnas förening (‘flash-haters association`) for hard-core press photographers. At eighteen years old, he received a scholarship for a trip to England. The trip piqued his interest in photojournalism. Photography Returning to Sweden, Gullers started working with photographer Jan de Meyere, known for his distinctive high-key portraits, at Kungsgatan 19, the street where Gullers had his studio for twenty years. He also worked as aerial photographer at Aeromateriel AB for three summers producing photographs for the first book depicting Sweden from the air. In 1938 Gullers started its own company, Studio Gullers at St Eriksgatan in Stockholm which he operated for forty years. He later employed other photographers to assist with its burgeoning business; notably his son Peter Gullers who later became an architectural photographer and also published many books,[2] Bo Trenter (son of his friend Steig), and Georg Sessler and Björn Enström who both worked there for twenty five years. Assisting were Gullers` then wife Ingvor and Magda Persson, a skilled copyist, both recruited from Jan de Meyere`s studio. After few years at St. Eriksgatan, Studio Gullers moved into one of the 1906 Kungstorn tower blocks at Kungsgatan 30. Studio Gullers AB Gullers Production Ltd was also a book publisher. On September 1, 1939, Gullers was enlisted at Västerås in 1940 and later was deployed as a war photographer. There he befriended Stieg Trenter who based his novel Harry Friberg on the photographer. They remained close until Trenters` death in 1967, and the writer`s novels were used as the screenplays for a 1987 TV drama series in which the part of Harry Friberg was played by Örjan Ramberg; Träff i helfigur, Lysande landning, and Idag röd. In an accompanying TV Movie documentary Stieg Trenter - Ett porträtt, Gullers appeared as himself. Immediately after the war Gullers went to the US where he produced work for magazines and some industrial photography. Fascinated with the photo-books that started appearing in the US about that time, and meeting many of the photographers who had produced them, he returned to Stockholm inspired. He found a publisher for a picture-book on Stockholm which came out in 1946. In 1947 Ziff-Davis in Chicago also published one of his earliest books.[3] He started to spend about 200 days of the year travelling the world.[4] Recognition and contribution Betty Bjurström on the cover of SE, nr 13, 1941. Photographer: K.W. Gullers. During the years 1938-46, Gullers contributed pictures to a series of Swedish and foreign journals, including Picture Post, Illustrated, Se and Vi, and also wrote articles himself. Gullers had his first exhibition, "A bit of Sweden" in London in 1942. The pictures were primarily from his documentation of Sweden during the War and propaganda he produced for the government, but also of Swedish industry. In the spring of 1945 he made around 30 photographs in Malmö of the arrival and recovery of former concentration camp prisoners for Vi. The impact of his photographs influenced the Swedish aid effort.[5] In 1953, Gullers became chairman of Svenska Fotografers Förbund (SFF). Over four years as chairman he worked with, inter alia, Kerstin Bernhard and Karl Sandel on training standards and legal and pricing issues. He was succeeded by Curt Götlin. Gullers was also active in the Nordiska fotografförbundet (‘Nordic Photographic Association’)[6] for fifteen years and was a founding member of Europhot (European Association for the Photographer).[7][8] He was included in Postwar European Photography, May 26 to 23 August 23, 1953, at the Museum of Modern Art. Gullers` representation of Swedish poverty, a Karelian grandmother embracing her granddaughter on a low bed, her bare feet resting on worn floorboards as she rocks a baby in a makeshift cradle, was seen by Edward Steichen. He selected it for the 1955 world-touring Museum of Modern Art exhibition The Family of Man seen by 9 million visitors.[9] From 1957 Gullers became one of the first Stockholm studios with its own Type C colour laboratory, for twelve years producing thousands of photographs a week, and for commissions from major Swedish companies ASEA, Astra, Fiskeby, Volvo, Svenska Metallverken, Stora, Kopparberg, Möln-lycke Väfveriakriebolag, amongst others,[10][4] exclusively using the Swedish medium-format Hasselblad camera. As a result his books were from then on exclusively in colour. He presented Swedish Industry in Colour, an exhibition that was part of the Sweden Comes to Britain 1961–62 campaign at the Federation of British Industries headquarters, in Tothill Street, London and colour printing of the 85 images was funded by the commissioning companies.[11][4] Gullers was the first Swedish photojournalist to have a solo exhibition in Sweden, at the gallery De Unga in Stockholm, following international exhibitions of his work held in London,[12] New York and Chicago, and elsewhere. In 1963, Studio Gullers celebrated its twenty-fifth birthday with a major exhibition at the Ealing Technical College March 19–31,[13] and the book Made in Sweden. Legacy In 1990, the Nordic Museum purchased Guller`s collection of pictures from 1938-78. The collection consists of approximately 470,000 negatives, monochrome and colour, most in 6x6 format. There are also approximately 5,000 archival copies of size 24x30 cm and over 100,000 contact sheets. The collection also includes a negative ledger, a copy of the first editions of sixty-two book titles, press releases and two cameras; his Kodak Brownie and a Rolleiflex. Among subjects of his portraits are Charlie Chaplin (1945), Ingrid Bergman (1945), Ingrid Bergman and Alfred Hitchcock (1946), Gregory Peck (1945), Orson Welles (1952), John Steinbeck (1947), Bruno Mathsson (1951), Duke Ellington (1945), Royal Prince Bertel (1940s), Astrid Lindgren (1952), and Prince Carl XVI Gustaf (1952)[14] Personal life In 1937 Gullers married Ingvor Margareta Alberts (April 4, 1914 – August 21, 2009). They had a son Peter (b.1938), two daughters Ingela Rudebeck Gullers (1949-1973), and Kristina Gullers (Levander). Gullers later married author Barbara Donnely. Exhibitions 1946: Jan 20–Feb 3, Sweden: A Workshop of Democracy, American Swedish Historical Museum, solo show of fifty photographs.[15] 1948 solo show, De Unga Gallery, Stockholm[16] 1960 Swedish Industry in Colour during `Sweden Comes to Britain 1961–62` exposition at the Federation of British Industries headquarters, Tothill Street, London 1963 solo show at Ealing Technical College, London, March 19–31. 1993 KW Gullers: Photo Memories, Mölndal museum 2013: Jan 16–Aug 18 Folkhemmets kändisar (`Celebrity Photographs`), group exhibition from the collection, Nordiska Museet. 2013-2015: images included in travelling group exhibition Folkhemmets room, Nordiska Museet. Originalhalbleinen mit Originalumschlag 28cm Unpaginated. With dust jacket. Beige and red cloth. Contains black and white illustrations. Reprinted. ( First edition: 1958) Nur der Umschlag mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren, sonst SEHR gutes Exemplar. Karl Werner Edmund Gullers (September 5, 1916 – February 21, 1998),[1] was a Swedish press and commercial photographer, and also the model for Stieg Trenter`s crime novel Harry Friberg. Gullers established his photography business in 1938 under the name Studio Gullers and it was active until 1978. Early years Gullers was one of five children of Emil, a lawyer and farmer`s son from Rising, Östergötland (one of the founders of what is now the Swedish Liberal Party) and Anna Charlotta Gullers, a teacher. He grew up in Klara, the most central parish in Stockholm. He was brother of Arvid Gullers, and half-brother of Waldemar Gullers, Maj Amalia Gullers, Sigrid Augusta Järemo and Emil Ragnar Gullers. He frequently borrowed his brother`s camera and at the age of twelve his father bought him his own, a Kodak Brownie box camera. Three years later, in 1932, he began working for Anders Forsner, a leading photographer in Stockholm, who gave him his photographic education. He also photographed after hours, learning to use available light, which he continued to favour even for industrial photography. He was one of the founders of the blixthatarnas förening (‘flash-haters association`) for hard-core press photographers. At eighteen years old, he received a scholarship for a trip to England. The trip piqued his interest in photojournalism. Photography Returning to Sweden, Gullers started working with photographer Jan de Meyere, known for his distinctive high-key portraits, at Kungsgatan 19, the street where Gullers had his studio for twenty years. He also worked as aerial photographer at Aeromateriel AB for three summers producing photographs for the first book depicting Sweden from the air. In 1938 Gullers started its own company, Studio Gullers at St Eriksgatan in Stockholm which he operated for forty years. He later employed other photographers to assist with its burgeoning business; notably his son Peter Gullers who later became an architectural photographer and also published many books,[2] Bo Trenter (son of his friend Steig), and Georg Sessler and Björn Enström who both worked there for twenty five years. Assisting were Gullers` then wife Ingvor and Magda Persson, a skilled copyist, both recruited from Jan de Meyere`s studio. After few years at St. Eriksgatan, Studio Gullers moved into one of the 1906 Kungstorn tower blocks at Kungsgatan 30. Studio Gullers AB Gullers Production Ltd was also a book publisher. On September 1, 1939, Gullers was enlisted at Västerås in 1940 and later was deployed as a war photographer. There he befriended Stieg Trenter who based his novel Harry Friberg on the photographer. They remained close until Trenters` death in 1967, and the writer`s novels were used as the screenplays for a 1987 TV drama series in which the part of Harry Friberg was played by Örjan Ramberg; Träff i helfigur, Lysande landning, and Idag röd. In an accompanying TV Movie documentary Stieg Trenter - Ett porträtt, Gullers appeared as himself. Immediately after the war Gullers went to the US where he produced work for magazines and some industrial photography. Fascinated with the photo-books that started appearing in the US about that time, and meeting many of the photographers who had produced them, he returned to Stockholm inspired. He found a publisher for a picture-book on Stockholm which came out in 1946. In 1947 Ziff-Davis in Chicago also published one of his earliest books.[3] He started to spend about 200 days of the year travelling the world.[4] Recognition and contribution Betty Bjurström on the cover of SE, nr 13, 1941. Photographer: K.W. Gullers. During the years 1938-46, Gullers contributed pictures to a series of Swedish and foreign journals, including Picture Post, Illustrated, Se and Vi, and also wrote articles himself. Gullers had his first exhibition, "A bit of Sweden" in London in 1942. The pictures were primarily from his documentation of Sweden during the War and propaganda he produced for the government, but also of Swedish industry. In the spring of 1945 he made around 30 photographs in Malmö of the arrival and recovery of former concentration camp prisoners for Vi. The impact of his photographs influenced the Swedish aid effort.[5] In 1953, Gullers became chairman of Svenska Fotografers Förbund (SFF). Over four years as chairman he worked with, inter alia, Kerstin Bernhard and Karl Sandel on training standards and legal and pricing issues. He was succeeded by Curt Götlin. Gullers was also active in the Nordiska fotografförbundet (‘Nordic Photographic Association’)[6] for fifteen years and was a founding member of Europhot (European Association for the Photographer).[7][8] He was included in Postwar European Photography, May 26 to 23 August 23, 1953, at the Museum of Modern Art. Gullers` representation of Swedish poverty, a Karelian grandmother embracing her granddaughter on a low bed, her bare feet resting on worn floorboards as she rocks a baby in a makeshift cradle, was seen by Edward Steichen. He selected it for the 1955 world-touring Museum of Modern Art exhibition The Family of Man seen by 9 million visitors.[9] From 1957 Gullers became one of the first Stockholm studios with its own Type C colour laboratory, for twelve years producing thousands of photographs a week, and for commissions from major Swedish companies ASEA, Astra, Fiskeby, Volvo, Svenska Metallverken, Stora, Kopparberg, Möln-lycke Väfveriakriebolag, amongst others,[10][4] exclusively using the Swedish medium-format Hasselblad camera. As a result his books were from then on exclusively in colour. He presented Swedish Industry in Colour, an exhibition that was part of the Sweden Comes to Britain 1961–62 campaign at the Federation of British Industries headquarters, in Tothill Street, London and colour printing of the 85 images was funded by the commissioning companies.[11][4] Gullers was the first Swedish photojournalist to have a solo exhibition in Sweden, at the gallery De Unga in Stockholm, following international exhibitions of his work held in London,[12] New York and Chicago, and elsewhere. In 1963, Studio Gullers celebrated its twenty-fifth birthday with a major exhibition at the Ealing Technical College March 19–31,[13] and the book Made in Sweden. Legacy In 1990, the Nordic Museum purchased Guller`s collection of pictures from 1938-78. The collection consists of approximately 470,000 negatives, monochrome and colour, most in 6x6 format. There are also approximately 5,000 archival copies of size 24x30 cm and over 100,000 contact sheets. The collection also includes a negative ledger, a copy of the first editions of sixty-two book titles, press releases and two cameras; his Kodak Brownie and a Rolleiflex. Among subjects of his portraits are Charlie Chaplin (1945), Ingrid Bergman (1945), Ingrid Bergman and Alfred Hitchcock (1946), Gregory Peck (1945), Orson Welles (1952), John Steinbeck (1947), Bruno Mathsson (1951), Duke Ellington (1945), Royal Prince Bertel (1940s), Astrid Lindgren (1952), and Prince Carl XVI Gustaf (1952)[14] Personal life In 1937 Gullers married Ingvor Margareta Alberts (April 4, 1914 – August 21, 2009). They had a son Peter (b.1938), two daughters Ingela Rudebeck Gullers (1949-1973), and Kristina Gullers (Levander). Gullers later married author Barbara Donnely. Exhibitions 1946: Jan 20–Feb 3, Sweden: A Workshop of Democracy, American Swedish Historical Museum, solo show of fifty photographs.[15] 1948 solo show, De Unga Gallery, Stockholm[16] 1960 Swedish Industry in Colour during `Sweden Comes to Britain 1961–62` exposition at the Federation of British Industries headquarters, Tothill Street, London 1963 solo show at Ealing Technical College, London, March 19–31. 1993 KW Gullers: Photo Memories, Mölndal museum 2013: Jan 16–Aug 18 Folkhemmets kändisar (`Celebrity Photographs`), group exhibition from the collection, Nordiska Museet. 2013-2015: images included in travelling group exhibition Folkhemmets room, Nordiska Museet.
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Bestell-Nr.: 304488 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Photographie
Anbieter: Chiemgauer Internet Antiquariat GbR, DE-83352 Altenmarkt
Konto in der Schweiz vorhanden - Zahlung über PayPal möglich auf folgende Email: strassberger@email.de

EUR 24,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Volume 69, 1917 - Proceedings of The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Eigenverlag 1917. cover little rubbed, otherwise good and clean condition, Contents:Fowler Henry: Notes on salamanders - Henderson Junius Hunting Mollusca in Utha - Pilsbry Henry: Mollusca of the southwestern States - Marine Mollusks of Hawaii - - Fowler: Notes on Fishes - Heath Harold The anatomy of an Eolid . And others Gr.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, Bibl.HLwd.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeLwd. = Leinwand with some pictures and 22 plates, 379 Seiten, 1. Aufl. cover little rubbed, otherwise good and clean condition, Contents:Fowler Henry: Notes on salamanders - Henderson Junius Hunting Mollusca in Utha - Pilsbry Henry: Mollusca of the southwestern States - Marine Mollusks of Hawaii - - Fowler: Notes on Fishes - Heath Harold The anatomy of an Eolid . And others
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Bestell-Nr.: 64900 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Tiere/Natur
Anbieter: Antiquariat Deinbacher, AT-3142 Murstetten

EUR 39,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 8,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
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Volume 70, 1918 - Proceedings of The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Eigenverlag 1918. cover little rubbed, otherwise good and clean condition, Contents: Bodine Joseph: Experimental results in Ischnura and Enallagma - Calvert Philip: Eruptions of the Costa Rican Volcano - Conklin Edwin: In memoriam Samuel Gibson - Jordan Starr: Notes on Gistels Genera Fishes - Pilsbry Henry: Mollusca ot the southwestern States - Royer Franklin: Dr.Dixon work in sanitary Science -and others Gr.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, Bibl.HLwd.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeLwd. = Leinwand with some pictures and 7 plates, 377 Seiten, 1. Aufl. cover little rubbed, otherwise good and clean condition, Contents: Bodine Joseph: Experimental results in Ischnura and Enallagma - Calvert Philip: Eruptions of the Costa Rican Volcano - Conklin Edwin: In memoriam Samuel Gibson - Jordan Starr: Notes on Gistels Genera Fishes - Pilsbry Henry: Mollusca ot the southwestern States - Royer Franklin: Dr.Dixon work in sanitary Science -and others
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Bestell-Nr.: 64899 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Tiere/Natur
Anbieter: Antiquariat Deinbacher, AT-3142 Murstetten

EUR 39,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 8,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural history Society - Vol.6, 1908 bis Vol.8, 1910. Milwaukee 1908-1910. goog condition, library binding, Einband etwas berieben, ansonst guter und sauberer Zustand, Contents: Hartley Jackson: A Preliminary List of Wisconsin Mammals. Nathan Banks: The Pseudoscorpions of Texas. Richard Muttkowski: Review of the Dragon-Flies. Henry Ward: An Addition to the Avifauna …S.Graenicher: Wisconins Flowers and their pollination. The bee-flies in their relations to flowers. New Zealands experience with the Red Clover and Bumblebees. Charles Brues:Notes and descriptions of north American Hymenoptera. Reiff Wiliam: Über das Zirpen der Raupen. Alfred Burrill: Epidemic of Silver Maple Leaf-Mite. How Sanguinary Ants change at will the direction of Column in their forays. George Wagner: The withfish of sSilver Island Lake. and others Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, Bibl.HLwd.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeLwd. = Leinwand with some figures and plates, 174, 137, 193 Seiten, 1. Aufl. goog condition, library binding, Einband etwas berieben, ansonst guter und sauberer Zustand, Contents: Hartley Jackson: A Preliminary List of Wisconsin Mammals. Nathan Banks: The Pseudoscorpions of Texas. Richard Muttkowski: Review of the Dragon-Flies. Henry Ward: An Addition to the Avifauna …S.Graenicher: Wisconins Flowers and their pollination. The bee-flies in their relations to flowers. New Zealands experience with the Red Clover and Bumblebees. Charles Brues:Notes and descriptions of north American Hymenoptera. Reiff Wiliam: Über das Zirpen der Raupen. Alfred Burrill: Epidemic of Silver Maple Leaf-Mite. How Sanguinary Ants change at will the direction of Column in their forays. George Wagner: The withfish of sSilver Island Lake. and others
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Bestell-Nr.: 69821 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Tiere/Natur - Vögel
Anbieter: Antiquariat Deinbacher, AT-3142 Murstetten

EUR 39,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 8,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural history Society - Vol.9, 1911 bis Vol.10, 1912. Milwaukee 1911-12. goog condition, library binding, Einband etwas berieben, ansonst guter und sauberer Zustand, Contents: Richard Muttkowski: New Records of Wisconsin Dragonflies. S.Graenicher: Wisconsin Diptera. George Wagner: The Cisco of Green Lake. Henry L.Ward: The Status of Hoys Shrew in Wisconsin. S.J.Holmes: The Tropisms and their relation to more cmplex modes of Behavior. Arsene Girault: Reconstruction of the Chalcidid Genus Hypopteromalus Ashmead of the family Pteromalida. Henry Ward: Townsend Solitaire in Wisconsin. A.C.Burrill: Anon the reasons for bird migration. Nathan Foster: Data from Experiments on Parthenogenetic Animals. and others Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, Bibl.HLwd.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeLwd. = Leinwand with some figures and plates, 271, 185 Seiten, 1. Aufl. goog condition, library binding, Einband etwas berieben, ansonst guter und sauberer Zustand, Contents: Richard Muttkowski: New Records of Wisconsin Dragonflies. S.Graenicher: Wisconsin Diptera. George Wagner: The Cisco of Green Lake. Henry L.Ward: The Status of Hoys Shrew in Wisconsin. S.J.Holmes: The Tropisms and their relation to more cmplex modes of Behavior. Arsene Girault: Reconstruction of the Chalcidid Genus Hypopteromalus Ashmead of the family Pteromalida. Henry Ward: Townsend Solitaire in Wisconsin. A.C.Burrill: Anon the reasons for bird migration. Nathan Foster: Data from Experiments on Parthenogenetic Animals. and others
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Bestell-Nr.: 69822 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Tiere/Natur - Vögel
Anbieter: Antiquariat Deinbacher, AT-3142 Murstetten

EUR 39,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 8,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Volume 112/113, 1960/61 - Proceedings of The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia - (bounded in one). Philadelphia, Eigenverlag 1960/61. cover little rubbed, otherwise good and clean condition, Contents: Böhlke James: Western Atlantic gobioid fishes of the genius Lythrypnus - Conant Roger : The queen snake, Natrix Septemvittete - Malnate Edmond: Systematic division and Evolution of the clubrid snake genus Natrix - Patrick Ruth / Leonard Freese: Diatoms from Northern Alaska- Calvert Philip: Adult Odonata of the Catherwood Peruvian-Amazon Expedition - Böhlke: A review of the Atlantic Species of the fish genus Starksia - Eades David: The tribes and relationships of the Ommexechinae - Hart C.: The freshwater shrimps of Jamaica - Rehn James The tribe Leptysmini- and others Gr.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, Bibl.HLwd.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeLwd. = Leinwand with some pictures, 301, 318 Seiten, 1. Aufl. cover little rubbed, otherwise good and clean condition, Contents: Böhlke James: Western Atlantic gobioid fishes of the genius Lythrypnus - Conant Roger : The queen snake, Natrix Septemvittete - Malnate Edmond: Systematic division and Evolution of the clubrid snake genus Natrix - Patrick Ruth / Leonard Freese: Diatoms from Northern Alaska- Calvert Philip: Adult Odonata of the Catherwood Peruvian-Amazon Expedition - Böhlke: A review of the Atlantic Species of the fish genus Starksia - Eades David: The tribes and relationships of the Ommexechinae - Hart C.: The freshwater shrimps of Jamaica - Rehn James The tribe Leptysmini- and others
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Bestell-Nr.: 64895 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Tiere/Natur
Anbieter: Antiquariat Deinbacher, AT-3142 Murstetten

EUR 39,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 8,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
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Hermit Foundation (ed.)  Letokruhy. Growthrings.

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Hermit Foundation (ed.) Letokruhy. Growthrings. Plasy Map in card boards (21,5 x 21,5 cm). With a brochure (32 pp.) and many loose plates. Printed on both sides. llustrations of works from the featured artists. Text in English and Czech. Containing a CD in a special packaging. Documentary catalogue from the interdisciplinary symposium in the Plasy Monastery, Bohemia, June - July 1993. Curated and organised by Milos Vojtechovsky and others. Catalogue concept by oko Production. Advisory board: Het Appolohuis and others. English editing: Matthew Danda. Photo credits: Dan Sperl, Gert de Ruyter, Iris Honderdos. Print: Dragon Press s.r.o., Klatovy.; Jahr: 1993; Format: Oktav; Anzahl der Seiten: 32; Auflage: 1.; Zustand: 2 (flawless copy)
[SW: Jahresringe, Zeitgenössische Kunst]
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Bestell-Nr.: 29737 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia
Anbieter: Antiquariat Immanuel, DE-57629 Steinebach
Versandkostenfrei nach Deutschland (Land-/Seeweg) ab EUR 50,00 Bestellwert bei diesem Anbieter.

EUR 18,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,80
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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Geology - Manspeizer, W. W. Manspeizer: Hrsg.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeHrsg. = Herausgeber Editor Triassic-Jurassic Rifting: Continental Breakup and the Origin of the Atlantic Ocean and Passive Margins (Developments in Geotectonics, Vol. 22) (2 Parts) A + B Extensive field studies on the African and North American plates during this past decade have yielded a wealth of new data and ideas about rift basins and the origin of passive margins. New surface and subsurface basins have been identified; fossils abound in strata that only recently were considered barren; oil exploration is being actively pursued in continental strata of the Richmond-Taylorsville, Sanford and Newark basins, Late Triassic marine strata have been identified in Georges Bank off the coast of Massachusetts, and the roles of wrench tectonics, successor basins and listric normal faults have challenged the classical view that these are simple extensional basins.This two part work brings together representative examples of these studies. It is not intended as an exhaustive synthesis of the subject, but rather a vehicle to present new data, new ideas and alternative views. Some of the papers present regional summaries, others attempt to relate local features to regional questions, while others describe modern rift basins as possible analogs of early Mesozoic basins.Geologic data from the Atlantic passive margins record that continental rifting of central Pangaea occurred during the latest Triassic-earliest Jurassic (Liassic), and that sea-floor spreading probably began no later than the Middle Jurassic. The primary subject of this book focuses on the Triassic-Jurassic rifting events that led to the breakup of Pangaea and the opening of the central Atlantic Ocean. Whereas other treatises have focused on the origin of the passive margins, inferred primarily from geophysical data of the offshore basins, this volume primarily and uniquely focuses on land-based field studies of the onshore synrift basins. Offshore studies of synrift basins are also included and add substantially to our understanding of the breakup. However, the onshore data base, while complementary, is different, thus providing researchers with a different insight to the questions at hand.The book is organized into four sections. Section I, Pangaean Plate in Time and Space, first locates Pangaea in space and then places the Triassic basins within an historical context on the Alleghanian-Variscan Orogens. Section 2, the offshore and onshore basins of the North American and African Plates, comprises about 70% of all papers in this book, and includes papers on structural geology, petrology, paleontology, sedimentation, organic geochemistry, vulcanism and mineral resources. Section 3, Related Mesozoic Atlantic Rift Basins, includes papers on Iberia, Western Europe, the Benue Trough and Brazil. The final section of the book, Analogs, includes the rift basins of East Africa, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Elat (Aqaba), the Dead Sea and the Rio Grande Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Amsterdam, 1988. both volumes - 998 pp. - richly illustrated throughout with figures, photographs, tables and fold-out maps, including nine in full colour Gebundene Ausgabe - Hardcover, good condition ISBN: 9780444429032 Beide Bände in gutem Zustand, Ecken minimal bestossen - portofreier Versand in Europa - oversea postage fees on demand
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Bestell-Nr.: 53244 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geology
Anbieter: Wissenschaftliches Antiquariat Heinz Buschulte, DE-79379 Müllheim

EUR 380,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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Fabrications. Staged, Altered, and Appropriated Photographs.

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Anne H. Hoy Fabrications. Staged, Altered, and Appropriated Photographs. Abbeville Press, New York 1987 Unverletzter S.U Leinen Neuwertig ISBN: 9780896597518 Text Englisch. Farbig gestalteter Schutzmschlag mit Rückentitelei, unverletzt. Gelb-/rotgeprägter Leineneinband, tadellos. 206 Seiten mit 170 Fotos/Fototafeln, davon 100 in Farbe. NEUWERTIG! +++ Text in english. A cloth-bound, profusely illustrated monograph (also in colour), dustwrapper intact, 206 pages, 170 photographs including 100 in colour. MINT CONDITION. +++ As featured on dustjacket: "The book is divided into five chapters, plus an introduction that relates the work to other photography, both contemporary and historical. The subject of the first chapter is narrative tableaux—scenes that tell stories, whether shocking, poignant, or mysterious—by artists ranging from Joel-Peter Witkin to Eileen Cowin and Laurie Simmons. Portraits and self-portraits constitute the next chapter, with fictional personalities created by Cindy Sherman and others, as well as complex constructions by Lucas Samaras, Chuck Close, and Nancy Burson. Chapter three focuses on still lifes of all types, fabricated to be photographed by artists as dissimilar as Barbara Kasten, James Casebere, and Frank Majore. Various appropriators, including Barbara Kruger, Richard Prince, and Sherrie Levine, critique the icons of contemporary society in the fourth chapter. The fifth concentrates on the imaginative ways that artists David Hockney, Jerry Uelsmann, Betty Hahn, and others manipulate the physical elements of photography to produce unprecedented effects." +++ 25,8 x 25,8 cm, 1,8 kg, NUR ALS PAKET! +++ Stichwörter/Keywords: Foto Fotografie Phototechnik compendium art Photography
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Bestell-Nr.: 022228 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia
Anbieter: Antiquariat Clement, DE-53111 Bonn

EUR 16,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 5,50
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


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