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Stewart, Alan;  Birdman - One man`s Story of his extraordinary Obsession - to fly free as a bird, under his own power ...

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Stewart, Alan; Birdman - One man`s Story of his extraordinary Obsession - to fly free as a bird, under his own power ... London, Sydney Pan Books, 1980. 158 Seiten , 18 cm, kartoniert das Buch ist ein Dachbodenfund, stark gebräunt, fleckig, Einbandkanten mit stärkeren Bestoßungen, Eigentums- und Datumsstempel, A spiritual descendant of the birdmen, the tower jumpers, the cliff leapers of old, who used to step bodly into thin air to pit zheir wings against gravity and paid the price ... Alan Stewart is obsessed with man´s age-old drea, of flying with wings. ... (vom EInabndrücken) 4b2b ISBN-Nummer: 0330264400 Birdman - One man`s Story of his extraordinary Obsession - to fly free as a bird, under his own power ...; Alan Stewart; 1 ISBN: 0330264400
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Bestell-Nr.: 36133 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Hobby & Freizeit
Anbieter: Antiquariat Ardelt, DE-01983 Großräschen

EUR 7,95
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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Zuchthaus, Felseninsel Alcatraz, Gewaltverbrecher Robert F. Stroud, Gaddis, Thomas E.: Sehet die Vögel unter dem Himmel. Weimar: Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, 1957. Der Gefangene von Alcatraz. [Aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt von Gottfried Beutel]. Nachwort von Gerhart Herrmann Mostar. Schutzumschlag stark berieben, gebräunt, mit Läsuren, kleine Fehlstellen. Innenseiten leicht gebräunt. Farbiger Kopfschnitt. Vorsatz mit Stempel. // Buch wurde verfilmt // [Originaltitel: "Birdman of Alcatraz"] // 1,8,1 20 cm, Leinen mit Schutzumschlag 435 S., Lizenzausgabe für die DDR, Schutzumschlag stark berieben, gebräunt, mit Läsuren, kleine Fehlstellen. Innenseiten leicht gebräunt. Farbiger Kopfschnitt. Vorsatz mit Stempel. // Buch wurde verfilmt // [Originaltitel: "Birdman of Alcatraz"] // 1,8,1
[SW: Zuchthaus, Felseninsel Alcatraz, Gewaltverbrecher Robert F. Stroud,]
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Bestell-Nr.: 65546 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Sachbuch
Anbieter: Antiquariat Frank Dahms, DE-09456 Annaberg-Buchholz

EUR 26,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
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Autorengruppe;  The Readers Digest Companion - A selection of memorable articles published by The Reader`s Digest during the past twelve years

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Autorengruppe; The Readers Digest Companion - A selection of memorable articles published by The Reader`s Digest during the past twelve years New York, London, Sydney, Montreal, The Readers Digest, 1953. 274 Seiten , 19 cm, Leinen die Seiten sind gebräunt, der Einband ist fleckig, aus dem Inhalt: Hans Christian Andersen`s Own Fairy Tale, Donald and Louise Peattie - The White Lady, Leonard Dubkin - Intrepid Birdman, I, Patrick Campbell - The Most Unforgettable Character I`ve Met, Margaret Lane - Cockleshell Heroes, George Kent - The Incomparable Observer, Donald Culross Peattie - How Your Mind May Make You III, Elsie McCormick - Portugars Humble Dictator, Andre Visson - Survive at Sea by Eating and Drinking Fish!, J. P. McEvoy - When You Dread Failure, A. J. Cronin - The Doctor Who Hated Murder, Frederic Sondern, Jr. - The Most Unforgettable Character I`ve Met, Mary Bard - And the Deaf Shall Hear, Lois Mattox Miller - Two Gentlemen of Verona, A. J. Cronin - The Crime of the Century, J. Edgar Hoover - Trial By Ice, James Ramsey Ullman - God`s Gift to the Doctors, Paul de Kruif - The Incredible Earl of Suffolk, William D. Bayles - Mystery of Migration, Ivan T. Sanderson - The Idol of San Vittore, Indro Montanelli - The Most Unforgettable Character I`ve Met, Andromache Schliemann Melas - The Rh Factor in Blood, J. D. Ratcliff - Doctor at the End of the World, Ralph Wallace - The Voice of "The Thunderer", George Kent - He Gave Windows to the Blind, J. Alpin Kugelmass - Hero in Shining Feathers, Ella A. Duncan - The Most Unforgettable Character I`ve Met, Anne Morrow Lindbergh - The Epic of Michelangelo, Donald Culross Peattie - How Johnny Ate His Way to Fame, Ruth McKenney - Profit by My Experience: Once There Was a Squirrel, Oscar Schisgall - The Woman of the Flowers, Maurice Maeterlinck - It Shows in Your Eyes, Alfred E. Lyon - Reward of Mercy, A. J. Cronin - A Lesson from an Eskimo, Gontran de Poncins - The Lesson of the Old Sock, Vicki Baum - Joey`s Quiet War, Thomas M. Johnson - Scotland Yard`s Greatest Secret, Anthony Abbot - The Most Unforgettable Character I`ve Met, Keith Munro - These, too, Were Expendable, George Palmer & Frederic Sondern, Jr. - Hari Pogo and His Ex-Cannibals, Tom Ham - The World`s Most Famous Optimists, Ernest 0. Hauser - The Grave in the Jungle, Rene Belbenoit - The Merry Life of Kanonier Schmidt, Joseph Wechsberg - How Surgeons Go to Work, Greer Williams - The Mystery of Minnie, George F. Worts - From Gart Horse to Champion, Guido Artom and Robert Littell - The Heart of Eva McGown, Dorothy Walworth - The Long Way Home, Ernie Pyle - The Window in St. Martin`s Stomach, Richard Match - Strength for These Days, I.A.R.Wylie - Home Pottering-A Chain Reaction, Saul Pett - A Million Dollar Story, George Kent - Spider Silk-Wonder-Stuff of Nature, Donald Culross Peattie - The Man Who Licked Cancer, A. E. Hotchner - Atop the World`s Tallest Structure, Paul W. Kearney - "Thar She Blows!", Alan Burgess - The Most Unforgettable Character I`ve Met, John L. O`Hara - Your Wife ls LikeThat, Corey Ford - Wild Animals He Has Known, Ralph Wallace 2c2 The Readers Digest Companion; A selection of memorable articles published by The Reader`s Digest during the past twelve years ; Stories; Geschichten; 1
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Bestell-Nr.: 25704 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Romane & Erzählungen
Anbieter: Antiquariat Ardelt, DE-01983 Großräschen

EUR 12,95
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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