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Walters, Audrey 6 Birthday Party Fun Birthday Cards Laughing Elephant 2014 tadellos / impeccable ISBN: 9781595838711 gebraucht, wie neu 1 19,99 x 14,00 x 0,99
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Bestell-Nr.: 92648 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Sonstiges Geschenkbücher
Anbieter: Leserstrahl, DE-25557 Oldenbüttel

EUR 2,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,10
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


  Karte mit ovalem farbig lithographiertem Bildchen (Blumen) (Spruch: Happy may thy Birthday be)

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Karte mit ovalem farbig lithographiertem Bildchen (Blumen) (Spruch: Happy may thy Birthday be) um. 1870 11,3x8,5cm. Karte mit sehr leichten Läsuren, hinten handschriftlicher Glückwunsch
[SW: Birthday / Geburtstag]
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Bestell-Nr.: 50084 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Billets, Freundschaft, Glückwunsch etc.
Anbieter: Antiquariat Eppler, DE-76229 Karlsruhe-Grötzingen
Besuche willkommen, nach telefonischer Absprache WIR FREUEN UNS JEDERZEIT ÜBER ANGEBOTE VON EINZELWERKEN UND BIBLIOTHEKEN Ankauf u. Übernahme von Sammlungen, Bibliotheken, Buchladen-Restbestände, Kunst, Ansichtskarten kurzum vieles aus Papier.

EUR 25,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,90
Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


Bence Szabolcsi Septuagenario.

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ungarische Musik, Musikwissenschaft, Werk, Bibliographie Bartha, D.: Bence Szabolcsi Septuagenario. Bärenreiter, Kassel, 1969. Nur der Umschlag mit ganz leichten Gebrauchsspuren, sonst sehr gutes Exemplar. ``This volume celebrates Bence Szabolcsi`s seventieth birthday; the contributors are his friends, colleagues and pupils. . .``. With an extensive bibliography of Szabolcsi`s publications and many essays, often on hungarian music and Hungarian composers. Originalleinen. 25 cm 531 Seiten, zahlreiche Abbildungen, Notenbeispiele, Faksimile, 2 Falttafeln. Nur der Umschlag mit ganz leichten Gebrauchsspuren, sonst sehr gutes Exemplar. ``This volume celebrates Bence Szabolcsi`s seventieth birthday; the contributors are his friends, colleagues and pupils. . .``. With an extensive bibliography of Szabolcsi`s publications and many essays, often on hungarian music and Hungarian composers.
[SW: ungarische Musik, Musikwissenschaft, Werk, Bibliographie]
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Bestell-Nr.: 240244 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Musikgeschichte / Musikwissenschaft
Anbieter: Chiemgauer Internet Antiquariat GbR, DE-83352 Altenmarkt
Konto in der Schweiz vorhanden - Zahlung über PayPal möglich auf folgende Email: strassberger@email.de

EUR 13,50
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


Betty Bear`s Birthday

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Gyo Fujikawa (Illustr.) Betty Bear`s Birthday Zokeisha Publications Ltd. 1977 Hardcover/gebunden Ecken etwas gestaucht! Betty Bear is sad because none of her animal friends wish her a happy birthday, but she soon learns the reason for their silence 16 20 x 21 cm ISBN: 0448143690
[SW: Rarität/Altes Bilderbuch/englischsprachiges Kinderbuch]
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Bestell-Nr.: BN53176 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Englische Kinderbücher
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
Die Anbieterin wird ab 14.01.2024 bis zum 14.02.2024 nicht erreichbar sein, Bestellungen werden nicht bearbeitet in dieser Zeit.

EUR 35,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


NALIWAJKO, Piotr / Plocka Galeria Sztuki (Editor):  Piotr Naliwajko. Malarstwo. (Exhibition catalog for the artist

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NALIWAJKO, Piotr / Plocka Galeria Sztuki (Editor): Piotr Naliwajko. Malarstwo. (Exhibition catalog for the artist's 50th birthday, including a CD). Plock: Plocka Galeria Sztuki. (2010). Oblong format. (23 x 27,2 cm). Around 80 p. (Polish Language). Original half cloth with illustrated title to front cover. Boards with low signs of use, otherwise well preserved. Generally in good condition. ##############-WIR MACHEN EINE FRÜHLINGSAKTION MIT 25 PROZENT AUF DEN GANZEN BESTAND BIS ZUM 31.05. ÜBER IHR INTERESSE AN UNSEREN SELTENEN OBJEKTEN WÜRDEN WIR UNS WIE IMMER FREUEN-############### ISBN: 9788361256205 Very complex catalog for the 50th birthday of the polish artist with several enclosed or mounted booklets and posters. The publication contains a lot of full page images and several fotografic images (black/white). Contains a CD at the appendix. - - - ACHTUNG! Dieses Buch kann wegen seines Gewichts oder seiner Größe nur als PAKET verschickt werden. Innerhalb Deutschlands 5,80 Euro. (Portokosten ins Ausland bitte erfragen.) ATTENTION! Due to its weight or size this book can only be sent as a PARCEL. Within Germany 5,80 Euro (For shipment abroad please ask.)
[SW: Bildende Künste, Ausstellungen, Ausstellungskataloge, Bildende Künste, Malerei (Kunst), Polen, Polnisch, polnische Künstler]
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Bestell-Nr.: 32381b - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Bildende Künste - Kunstgeschichte - Monographien
Anbieter: Antiquariat Schwarz, DE-10559 Berlin
ANTIQUARIAT SCHWARZ / Bibliophilie und Graphik · Zeitgeschichtliche Archivalien · Original-Briefe und Manuskripte · Historische Photographien · Firmenschriften · Unikate

EUR 49,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 6,00
Lieferzeit: 3 - 7 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


Linklater, Eric: Karina with Love. With Photographs by Karl W. Gullers. Macmillan & Co, London, 1958. Nur der Umschlag mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren, sonst SEHR gutes Exemplar. Karl Werner Edmund Gullers (September 5, 1916 – February 21, 1998),[1] was a Swedish press and commercial photographer, and also the model for Stieg Trenter`s crime novel Harry Friberg. Gullers established his photography business in 1938 under the name Studio Gullers and it was active until 1978. Early years Gullers was one of five children of Emil, a lawyer and farmer`s son from Rising, Östergötland (one of the founders of what is now the Swedish Liberal Party) and Anna Charlotta Gullers, a teacher. He grew up in Klara, the most central parish in Stockholm. He was brother of Arvid Gullers, and half-brother of Waldemar Gullers, Maj Amalia Gullers, Sigrid Augusta Järemo and Emil Ragnar Gullers. He frequently borrowed his brother`s camera and at the age of twelve his father bought him his own, a Kodak Brownie box camera. Three years later, in 1932, he began working for Anders Forsner, a leading photographer in Stockholm, who gave him his photographic education. He also photographed after hours, learning to use available light, which he continued to favour even for industrial photography. He was one of the founders of the blixthatarnas förening (‘flash-haters association`) for hard-core press photographers. At eighteen years old, he received a scholarship for a trip to England. The trip piqued his interest in photojournalism. Photography Returning to Sweden, Gullers started working with photographer Jan de Meyere, known for his distinctive high-key portraits, at Kungsgatan 19, the street where Gullers had his studio for twenty years. He also worked as aerial photographer at Aeromateriel AB for three summers producing photographs for the first book depicting Sweden from the air. In 1938 Gullers started its own company, Studio Gullers at St Eriksgatan in Stockholm which he operated for forty years. He later employed other photographers to assist with its burgeoning business; notably his son Peter Gullers who later became an architectural photographer and also published many books,[2] Bo Trenter (son of his friend Steig), and Georg Sessler and Björn Enström who both worked there for twenty five years. Assisting were Gullers` then wife Ingvor and Magda Persson, a skilled copyist, both recruited from Jan de Meyere`s studio. After few years at St. Eriksgatan, Studio Gullers moved into one of the 1906 Kungstorn tower blocks at Kungsgatan 30. Studio Gullers AB Gullers Production Ltd was also a book publisher. On September 1, 1939, Gullers was enlisted at Västerås in 1940 and later was deployed as a war photographer. There he befriended Stieg Trenter who based his novel Harry Friberg on the photographer. They remained close until Trenters` death in 1967, and the writer`s novels were used as the screenplays for a 1987 TV drama series in which the part of Harry Friberg was played by Örjan Ramberg; Träff i helfigur, Lysande landning, and Idag röd. In an accompanying TV Movie documentary Stieg Trenter - Ett porträtt, Gullers appeared as himself. Immediately after the war Gullers went to the US where he produced work for magazines and some industrial photography. Fascinated with the photo-books that started appearing in the US about that time, and meeting many of the photographers who had produced them, he returned to Stockholm inspired. He found a publisher for a picture-book on Stockholm which came out in 1946. In 1947 Ziff-Davis in Chicago also published one of his earliest books.[3] He started to spend about 200 days of the year travelling the world.[4] Recognition and contribution Betty Bjurström on the cover of SE, nr 13, 1941. Photographer: K.W. Gullers. During the years 1938-46, Gullers contributed pictures to a series of Swedish and foreign journals, including Picture Post, Illustrated, Se and Vi, and also wrote articles himself. Gullers had his first exhibition, "A bit of Sweden" in London in 1942. The pictures were primarily from his documentation of Sweden during the War and propaganda he produced for the government, but also of Swedish industry. In the spring of 1945 he made around 30 photographs in Malmö of the arrival and recovery of former concentration camp prisoners for Vi. The impact of his photographs influenced the Swedish aid effort.[5] In 1953, Gullers became chairman of Svenska Fotografers Förbund (SFF). Over four years as chairman he worked with, inter alia, Kerstin Bernhard and Karl Sandel on training standards and legal and pricing issues. He was succeeded by Curt Götlin. Gullers was also active in the Nordiska fotografförbundet (‘Nordic Photographic Association’)[6] for fifteen years and was a founding member of Europhot (European Association for the Photographer).[7][8] He was included in Postwar European Photography, May 26 to 23 August 23, 1953, at the Museum of Modern Art. Gullers` representation of Swedish poverty, a Karelian grandmother embracing her granddaughter on a low bed, her bare feet resting on worn floorboards as she rocks a baby in a makeshift cradle, was seen by Edward Steichen. He selected it for the 1955 world-touring Museum of Modern Art exhibition The Family of Man seen by 9 million visitors.[9] From 1957 Gullers became one of the first Stockholm studios with its own Type C colour laboratory, for twelve years producing thousands of photographs a week, and for commissions from major Swedish companies ASEA, Astra, Fiskeby, Volvo, Svenska Metallverken, Stora, Kopparberg, Möln-lycke Väfveriakriebolag, amongst others,[10][4] exclusively using the Swedish medium-format Hasselblad camera. As a result his books were from then on exclusively in colour. He presented Swedish Industry in Colour, an exhibition that was part of the Sweden Comes to Britain 1961–62 campaign at the Federation of British Industries headquarters, in Tothill Street, London and colour printing of the 85 images was funded by the commissioning companies.[11][4] Gullers was the first Swedish photojournalist to have a solo exhibition in Sweden, at the gallery De Unga in Stockholm, following international exhibitions of his work held in London,[12] New York and Chicago, and elsewhere. In 1963, Studio Gullers celebrated its twenty-fifth birthday with a major exhibition at the Ealing Technical College March 19–31,[13] and the book Made in Sweden. Legacy In 1990, the Nordic Museum purchased Guller`s collection of pictures from 1938-78. The collection consists of approximately 470,000 negatives, monochrome and colour, most in 6x6 format. There are also approximately 5,000 archival copies of size 24x30 cm and over 100,000 contact sheets. The collection also includes a negative ledger, a copy of the first editions of sixty-two book titles, press releases and two cameras; his Kodak Brownie and a Rolleiflex. Among subjects of his portraits are Charlie Chaplin (1945), Ingrid Bergman (1945), Ingrid Bergman and Alfred Hitchcock (1946), Gregory Peck (1945), Orson Welles (1952), John Steinbeck (1947), Bruno Mathsson (1951), Duke Ellington (1945), Royal Prince Bertel (1940s), Astrid Lindgren (1952), and Prince Carl XVI Gustaf (1952)[14] Personal life In 1937 Gullers married Ingvor Margareta Alberts (April 4, 1914 – August 21, 2009). They had a son Peter (b.1938), two daughters Ingela Rudebeck Gullers (1949-1973), and Kristina Gullers (Levander). Gullers later married author Barbara Donnely. Exhibitions 1946: Jan 20–Feb 3, Sweden: A Workshop of Democracy, American Swedish Historical Museum, solo show of fifty photographs.[15] 1948 solo show, De Unga Gallery, Stockholm[16] 1960 Swedish Industry in Colour during `Sweden Comes to Britain 1961–62` exposition at the Federation of British Industries headquarters, Tothill Street, London 1963 solo show at Ealing Technical College, London, March 19–31. 1993 KW Gullers: Photo Memories, Mölndal museum 2013: Jan 16–Aug 18 Folkhemmets kändisar (`Celebrity Photographs`), group exhibition from the collection, Nordiska Museet. 2013-2015: images included in travelling group exhibition Folkhemmets room, Nordiska Museet. Originalhalbleinen mit Originalumschlag 28cm Unpaginated. With dust jacket. Beige and red cloth. Contains black and white illustrations. Reprinted. ( First edition: 1958) Nur der Umschlag mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren, sonst SEHR gutes Exemplar. Karl Werner Edmund Gullers (September 5, 1916 – February 21, 1998),[1] was a Swedish press and commercial photographer, and also the model for Stieg Trenter`s crime novel Harry Friberg. Gullers established his photography business in 1938 under the name Studio Gullers and it was active until 1978. Early years Gullers was one of five children of Emil, a lawyer and farmer`s son from Rising, Östergötland (one of the founders of what is now the Swedish Liberal Party) and Anna Charlotta Gullers, a teacher. He grew up in Klara, the most central parish in Stockholm. He was brother of Arvid Gullers, and half-brother of Waldemar Gullers, Maj Amalia Gullers, Sigrid Augusta Järemo and Emil Ragnar Gullers. He frequently borrowed his brother`s camera and at the age of twelve his father bought him his own, a Kodak Brownie box camera. Three years later, in 1932, he began working for Anders Forsner, a leading photographer in Stockholm, who gave him his photographic education. He also photographed after hours, learning to use available light, which he continued to favour even for industrial photography. He was one of the founders of the blixthatarnas förening (‘flash-haters association`) for hard-core press photographers. At eighteen years old, he received a scholarship for a trip to England. The trip piqued his interest in photojournalism. Photography Returning to Sweden, Gullers started working with photographer Jan de Meyere, known for his distinctive high-key portraits, at Kungsgatan 19, the street where Gullers had his studio for twenty years. He also worked as aerial photographer at Aeromateriel AB for three summers producing photographs for the first book depicting Sweden from the air. In 1938 Gullers started its own company, Studio Gullers at St Eriksgatan in Stockholm which he operated for forty years. He later employed other photographers to assist with its burgeoning business; notably his son Peter Gullers who later became an architectural photographer and also published many books,[2] Bo Trenter (son of his friend Steig), and Georg Sessler and Björn Enström who both worked there for twenty five years. Assisting were Gullers` then wife Ingvor and Magda Persson, a skilled copyist, both recruited from Jan de Meyere`s studio. After few years at St. Eriksgatan, Studio Gullers moved into one of the 1906 Kungstorn tower blocks at Kungsgatan 30. Studio Gullers AB Gullers Production Ltd was also a book publisher. On September 1, 1939, Gullers was enlisted at Västerås in 1940 and later was deployed as a war photographer. There he befriended Stieg Trenter who based his novel Harry Friberg on the photographer. They remained close until Trenters` death in 1967, and the writer`s novels were used as the screenplays for a 1987 TV drama series in which the part of Harry Friberg was played by Örjan Ramberg; Träff i helfigur, Lysande landning, and Idag röd. In an accompanying TV Movie documentary Stieg Trenter - Ett porträtt, Gullers appeared as himself. Immediately after the war Gullers went to the US where he produced work for magazines and some industrial photography. Fascinated with the photo-books that started appearing in the US about that time, and meeting many of the photographers who had produced them, he returned to Stockholm inspired. He found a publisher for a picture-book on Stockholm which came out in 1946. In 1947 Ziff-Davis in Chicago also published one of his earliest books.[3] He started to spend about 200 days of the year travelling the world.[4] Recognition and contribution Betty Bjurström on the cover of SE, nr 13, 1941. Photographer: K.W. Gullers. During the years 1938-46, Gullers contributed pictures to a series of Swedish and foreign journals, including Picture Post, Illustrated, Se and Vi, and also wrote articles himself. Gullers had his first exhibition, "A bit of Sweden" in London in 1942. The pictures were primarily from his documentation of Sweden during the War and propaganda he produced for the government, but also of Swedish industry. In the spring of 1945 he made around 30 photographs in Malmö of the arrival and recovery of former concentration camp prisoners for Vi. The impact of his photographs influenced the Swedish aid effort.[5] In 1953, Gullers became chairman of Svenska Fotografers Förbund (SFF). Over four years as chairman he worked with, inter alia, Kerstin Bernhard and Karl Sandel on training standards and legal and pricing issues. He was succeeded by Curt Götlin. Gullers was also active in the Nordiska fotografförbundet (‘Nordic Photographic Association’)[6] for fifteen years and was a founding member of Europhot (European Association for the Photographer).[7][8] He was included in Postwar European Photography, May 26 to 23 August 23, 1953, at the Museum of Modern Art. Gullers` representation of Swedish poverty, a Karelian grandmother embracing her granddaughter on a low bed, her bare feet resting on worn floorboards as she rocks a baby in a makeshift cradle, was seen by Edward Steichen. He selected it for the 1955 world-touring Museum of Modern Art exhibition The Family of Man seen by 9 million visitors.[9] From 1957 Gullers became one of the first Stockholm studios with its own Type C colour laboratory, for twelve years producing thousands of photographs a week, and for commissions from major Swedish companies ASEA, Astra, Fiskeby, Volvo, Svenska Metallverken, Stora, Kopparberg, Möln-lycke Väfveriakriebolag, amongst others,[10][4] exclusively using the Swedish medium-format Hasselblad camera. As a result his books were from then on exclusively in colour. He presented Swedish Industry in Colour, an exhibition that was part of the Sweden Comes to Britain 1961–62 campaign at the Federation of British Industries headquarters, in Tothill Street, London and colour printing of the 85 images was funded by the commissioning companies.[11][4] Gullers was the first Swedish photojournalist to have a solo exhibition in Sweden, at the gallery De Unga in Stockholm, following international exhibitions of his work held in London,[12] New York and Chicago, and elsewhere. In 1963, Studio Gullers celebrated its twenty-fifth birthday with a major exhibition at the Ealing Technical College March 19–31,[13] and the book Made in Sweden. Legacy In 1990, the Nordic Museum purchased Guller`s collection of pictures from 1938-78. The collection consists of approximately 470,000 negatives, monochrome and colour, most in 6x6 format. There are also approximately 5,000 archival copies of size 24x30 cm and over 100,000 contact sheets. The collection also includes a negative ledger, a copy of the first editions of sixty-two book titles, press releases and two cameras; his Kodak Brownie and a Rolleiflex. Among subjects of his portraits are Charlie Chaplin (1945), Ingrid Bergman (1945), Ingrid Bergman and Alfred Hitchcock (1946), Gregory Peck (1945), Orson Welles (1952), John Steinbeck (1947), Bruno Mathsson (1951), Duke Ellington (1945), Royal Prince Bertel (1940s), Astrid Lindgren (1952), and Prince Carl XVI Gustaf (1952)[14] Personal life In 1937 Gullers married Ingvor Margareta Alberts (April 4, 1914 – August 21, 2009). They had a son Peter (b.1938), two daughters Ingela Rudebeck Gullers (1949-1973), and Kristina Gullers (Levander). Gullers later married author Barbara Donnely. Exhibitions 1946: Jan 20–Feb 3, Sweden: A Workshop of Democracy, American Swedish Historical Museum, solo show of fifty photographs.[15] 1948 solo show, De Unga Gallery, Stockholm[16] 1960 Swedish Industry in Colour during `Sweden Comes to Britain 1961–62` exposition at the Federation of British Industries headquarters, Tothill Street, London 1963 solo show at Ealing Technical College, London, March 19–31. 1993 KW Gullers: Photo Memories, Mölndal museum 2013: Jan 16–Aug 18 Folkhemmets kändisar (`Celebrity Photographs`), group exhibition from the collection, Nordiska Museet. 2013-2015: images included in travelling group exhibition Folkhemmets room, Nordiska Museet.
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Bestell-Nr.: 304488 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Photographie
Anbieter: Chiemgauer Internet Antiquariat GbR, DE-83352 Altenmarkt
Konto in der Schweiz vorhanden - Zahlung über PayPal möglich auf folgende Email: strassberger@email.de

EUR 24,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


MILNE, A.A. The Christopher Robin Birthday Book. London. Methuen & Co. Ltd. 1938. 215,(1)pp. Cloth. Decorated by E.H. Shepard. 4th. edition. Covers worn. Corners & spine bumped & faded. Endpaper browned. Good.
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Bestell-Nr.: 203804 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: English Literature
Anbieter: Worpsweder Antiquariat, DE-27726 Worpswede

EUR 39,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,90
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


GAUSSEN, L. The World's Birthday. A Book for the Young. London. T.Nelson and Sons. 1898. 270pp. Cloth. 10 Plates. Ex Libris. Covers slightly damaged. Good.
Buchdetails ansehen...

Bestell-Nr.: 801195 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Kinderbücher
Anbieter: Worpsweder Antiquariat, DE-27726 Worpswede

EUR 39,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,90
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


KABRAJI, ETAIN. [compiled & edited by]. Looking Back. Memoirs of St. Paul's Girls' School for its 90th birthday. - ohne Jahr. 119pp. Card covers. Sehr gut erhalten.
Buchdetails ansehen...

Bestell-Nr.: 44969 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Pädagogik
Anbieter: Worpsweder Antiquariat, DE-27726 Worpswede

EUR 22,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,90
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


EUR 38,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


Mathematik - Fiacco, Anthony V. [Hrsg.]: Extremal methods and systems analysis : an Internat. Symposium on the Occasion of Prof. Abraham Charnes' 60. Birthday, Austin, Texas, Sept. 13-15, 1977. ed. by A. V. Fiacco and K. O. Kortanek, Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems , 174 Berlin [West] , Heidelberg , New York : Springer, 1980. XI, 545 S. : graph. Darst. , 25 cm ISBN: 9783540097303 Literaturangaben
[SW: Systemanalyse , Spieltheorie , Programmierung (Wirtschaftsmathematik) , Optimierung , Charnes, Abraham]
Buchdetails ansehen...

Bestell-Nr.: 28835 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Mathematik
Anbieter: Wissenschaftliches Antiquariat Heinz Buschulte, DE-79379 Müllheim

EUR 30,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


Buchloh, Paul G. / Jäger, Dietrich / Kruse, Horst / Nicolaisen, Peter (Hrsg.) Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht. Band VII. Heft 2. 1974. Eutin O.-Broschur. Inhalt: Goethes Ballade Der Fischer. Eine Interpretation. Claude Foucart: Une Vie de Maupassant: un paysage (Première Partie). Hans-Wilhelm Schwarze: Orientierungslosigkeit und Betroffensein. Spielelemente in Harold Pinters The Birthday Party. Rolf K. Högel: The Manipulation of Time in Miller's After the Fall. Walter Pache: Moderne kanadische Literatur. Buchbesprechungen.; Jahr: 1974; Format: Großoktav; Anzahl der Seiten: 75; Auflage: ; Zustand: 2 (gutes Exemplar)
[SW: Arthur Miller, Literaturwissenschaft, Zeitschrift]
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Bestell-Nr.: 24719 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia
Anbieter: Antiquariat Immanuel, DE-57629 Steinebach
Versandkostenfrei nach Deutschland (Land-/Seeweg) ab EUR 50,00 Bestellwert bei diesem Anbieter.

EUR 7,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,80
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


Film, Drehbuch, Werbung, Kino, Hollywood, Cinema, Prospekt, Verleihprogramm, Verleihprospekt, Verlei Begleithefte zu Filmen. Presseinformationen. 10 Stück. (alle zus. EURO 25,00 u. Porto) Einzelpreis: 1: Happy Birthday, Türke! Ein Film von Doris Dörrie. Welturaufführung: Hofer Filmtage 1991. Senator Film; 2: Schatten und Nebel. Ein Film von Woody Allen. Kinostart: 1992, Orion Pictures; 3.: Grand Canyon - Im Herzen der Stadt -. Ein Lawrence - Kasdan - Film. Kinostart: 1992, Twentieth Century Fox; 4: Die Unendliche Geschichte III. (drei, 3) Rettung aus Phantasien. Jason James Richter. Presseinformation. 1994. Cine Fox Filmproduktion GmbH; 5: Angus voll cool, Dawn Steel & Charles Roven. Kinostart 1996., Atlas Entertainment; 6: Spiel mit dem Feuer. Ein Film von Peter Hall. Presseinformation, Dt. Kinostart: 1996. Askot Film, MFA; 7: Der Prozeß. Nach dem gleichnamigen Roman von Franz Kafka. Ein Film von David Jones. Kinostart: 1993. Im Verleih der Kinowelt; 8: Der Brocken. Ein Film von Vadim Glowna. Wettbewerbsbeitrag Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin 1992. Ecco Film, DFF/ NDR; 9:Kaspar Hauser. Ein Film von Peter Sehr. Kinostart: 1994. Multimedia München.; 10: Lawrence von Arabien. Ein Film von David Lean. 1988. Horizon Pictures. (teilw. beiliegend zusätzliche Infos u. persönlichen Notizen) je 4 bis 18 Seiten mit zahlr. Abb.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeAbb. = Abbildung(en) Quart - Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeQuart = Höhe des Buchrücken 30-35 cm. (ca. 31,5 x 21,5 cm) farb.-illustr. Orig.-Brosch. (booklet / Softcover) Heft 1 vorn ca. 3x4 cm mit Kugelschreiber bemalt, einige Hefte mit kleinen Knick- u. Gebrauchsspuren, sonst gut bis sehr gut.
Buchdetails ansehen...

Bestell-Nr.: 2186 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Film, Fernsehen, Kino
Anbieter: Online-Buchhandel, DE-10407 Berlin
Leider werden hier die Versandkosten nicht richtig angezeigt. So kostet eine 500g-Bücher-Warensendung EURO 2,10 (statt wie angezeigt in der Summe EURO 1,55). Also kommen bei der Endsumme immer noch EURO 0,55 dazu.
Versandkostenfrei nach Deutschland (Land-/Seeweg) ab EUR 300,00 Bestellwert bei diesem Anbieter.
Der Anbieter weist keine Mehrwertsteuer aus (brutto = netto).

EUR 6,50
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,40
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
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Panini: Panini - Sammelbilderalbum Happy Birthday Bugs Selbstverlag, 1991. 32 S. ca. 27 x 23 cm, Broschiert Schönes Sammelbilderalbum / Sammelalbum aus dem Hause Panini; gefüllt mit ca. 2/3 der Sammelbilder; Umschlagseiten mit leichten Knickspuren; ansonsten gut erhalten
[SW: Panini, Sammelbilder, Sammelbilderalbum, Bugs Bunny, Kinderbuch]
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Bestell-Nr.: 22407 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Sammelbilderalben, Sammelbilder
Anbieter: Versandantiquariat Höbald, DE-06112 Halle (Saale)

EUR 12,60
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,30
Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage
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La Muerte  And the Mystery goes on (LP 33 1/3)

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La Muerte And the Mystery goes on (LP 33 1/3) Soundworks Products. 1985 Zustand: G (good) SECOND ALBUM ///// La Muerte is a quartet formed around singer Marc Du Marais, which is at the same time admired and rejected by the Belgian musical world. The music of La Muerte can be situated somewhere on the lines between The Birthday Party & The Stooges, between blues and heavy-metal. Their mini-album "The surrealist mystery" causes quite a stir. On the left you find a track from the album, a cover from the Troggs' classic "Wild thing". Their best-received album is "Every soul by sin oppressed", where more blues-influences shimmer through the wall of fuzz-guitars. A notable track on that album is also a cover, of Mannish Boy, with Arno on harmonica. La Muerte has been one of the most extreme, but at the same time one of the more successful Belgian bands.
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Bestell-Nr.: 27246 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Tonträger - LP - Rock, POP
Anbieter: Antiquariat Eppler, DE-76229 Karlsruhe-Grötzingen
Besuche willkommen, nach telefonischer Absprache WIR FREUEN UNS JEDERZEIT ÜBER ANGEBOTE VON EINZELWERKEN UND BIBLIOTHEKEN Ankauf u. Übernahme von Sammlungen, Bibliotheken, Buchladen-Restbestände, Kunst, Ansichtskarten kurzum vieles aus Papier.

EUR 25,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 6,00
Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage
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