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Es wurden insgesamt 152 Artikel gefunden. Artikel 1 bis 15 werden dargestellt.

Family Planning: Meeting Challenges: Promoting Choices: Meeting Challenges, Promoting Choices

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Family Planning, englische Bücher Senanayake, Pramilla and Ronald L. Kleinmann: Family Planning: Meeting Challenges: Promoting Choices: Meeting Challenges, Promoting Choices Casterton Hall, Informa Healthcare, 1992. Buch in guter Erhaltung, Einband sauber und nur gering bestoßen, Seiten hell und sauber, gering lichtrandig, Book in good condition, clean and only slightly bumped cover, pages clean and bright, slightly sunned,. This volume reviews the recent advances that have taken place in family planning techniques, and looks in detail at the social and other considerations involved in developing effective family planning programmes. Based on the special 40th Anniversary Congress of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, the book contains a wide range of expert contributions be leading workers in the field from around the world. The proceedings include papers presented at the plenary sessions entitled - "Family planning: impact to date", "Making programmes work" and "Unmet needs". Symposia contained in the volume are "Some key issues in family planning", "Sexual health/STDs/AIDS", "Rethinking IEC" and "Contraception: benefits and risks". The many panel discussions are also fully represented by chapters from exprts from all over the world. ISBN: 1850705143
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Bestell-Nr.: 108756 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Sachbuch
Anbieter: Antiquariat Bäßler, DE-92648 Vohenstrauß
Versandkostenfrei nach Deutschland (Land-/Seeweg) ab EUR 300,00 Bestellwert bei diesem Anbieter.

EUR 25,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 8,00
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Continuous Surface Mining: Proceedings of an International Symposium Edmonton, Canada,

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Bergbau, Kohle, Kohlebergbau, Abbau, Oberflächenabbau, Technik, Bergbautechnik, Braunkohle, Rumänien Golosinski, T.S. and F.G: Boehm: Continuous Surface Mining: Proceedings of an International Symposium Edmonton, Canada, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 1987. Sept 29 - Oct 1, 1986: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held in Edmonton, Canada, Sept 29 - Oct 1, 1986 . FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. FINE copy. Recent developments in mining science and technology worldwide. They also provide insights in the future of mining and outline the main directions of its development. A diversity of topics is covered, ranging from challenges of reorganizing coal mining in Romania and reclamation of mined out mines in Poland to most recent advances in the American surface mining and advanced coal preparation techniques developed in Japan. This book is recommended reading for those involved in mining in general, and to those interested in Chinese mining in particular. Originalpappband. Wrappers. 30 cm 750 Seiten. Mit zahlreichen Schwarz-Weiß- Abbildungen FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. FINE copy. Recent developments in mining science and technology worldwide. They also provide insights in the future of mining and outline the main directions of its development. A diversity of topics is covered, ranging from challenges of reorganizing coal mining in Romania and reclamation of mined out mines in Poland to most recent advances in the American surface mining and advanced coal preparation techniques developed in Japan. This book is recommended reading for those involved in mining in general, and to those interested in Chinese mining in particular.
[SW: Bergbau, Kohle, Kohlebergbau, Abbau, Oberflächenabbau, Technik, Bergbautechnik, Braunkohle, Rumänien]
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Bestell-Nr.: 176936 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Bergbau
Anbieter: Chiemgauer Internet Antiquariat GbR, DE-83352 Altenmarkt
Konto in der Schweiz vorhanden - Zahlung über PayPal möglich auf folgende Email: strassberger@email.de

EUR 52,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,50
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Iserles, Arieh: Acta Numerica 2001, Volume 10. Cambridge University Press 2001. Einband mit geringen Lagerspuren, Bibl.Ex., innen sehr guter und sauberer Zustand. ---------------------------------------------- Eoland Becker: An optimal control approach to a posteriori error estimation in finte element methods. Philippe G.Ciarlet: Mathematical modelling of linearly elastic shells. Dominique Chapelle: Some new results and current challenges in the finite elements of shells. Michael Eiermann: Geometric aspects of the theor< of Krylov subspace methods. Markus Hegland: Data mining techniques. J.E.Marsden: Discrete mechanics and variational integrators. M.J.Todd: Semidefinite optimization. 9780521803120 Gr.-Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, Hardcover/Pappeinband 566 Seiten 1.Auflage, Einband mit geringen Lagerspuren, Bibl.Ex., innen sehr guter und sauberer Zustand. ---------------------------------------------- Eoland Becker: An optimal control approach to a posteriori error estimation in finte element methods. Philippe G.Ciarlet: Mathematical modelling of linearly elastic shells. Dominique Chapelle: Some new results and current challenges in the finite elements of shells. Michael Eiermann: Geometric aspects of the theor< of Krylov subspace methods. Markus Hegland: Data mining techniques. J.E.Marsden: Discrete mechanics and variational integrators. M.J.Todd: Semidefinite optimization. 9780521803120
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Bestell-Nr.: 151659 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Mathematik
Anbieter: Antiquariat Deinbacher, AT-3142 Murstetten

EUR 29,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 8,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Björn Lomborg  The Skeptical Environmentalist. Measuring the Real State of the World

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Björn Lomborg The Skeptical Environmentalist. Measuring the Real State of the World Cambridge University Press 2002 10. Auflage Taschenbuch sehr gut erhalten! Challenges widely held beliefs that the environmental situation is getting worse and worse. Making use of the best available statistical information, Lomborg systematically examines a range of major environmental problems that feature prominently in global headline news. His arguments are presented in non-technical, accessible language and are carefully backed up by over 2500 footnotes allowing readers to check sources for themselves. The Skeptical Environmentalist offers readers a non-partisan stocktaking exercise that serves as a useful corrective to the more alarmist accounts favoured by campaign groups and the media. The Skeptical Environmentalist challenges widely held beliefs that the environmental situation is getting worse and worse. The author, himself a former member of Greenpeace, is critical of the way in which many environmental organisations make selective and misleading use of the scientific evidence. Using the best available statistical information from internationally recognised research institutes, Björn Lomborg systematically examines a range of major environmental problems that feature prominently in headline news across the world. His arguments are presented in non-technical, accessible language and are carefully backed up by over 2500 footnotes allowing readers to check sources for themselves. Concluding that there are more reasons for optimism than pessimism, Bj rn Lomborg stresses the need for clear-headed prioritisation of resources to tackle real, not imagined problems. The Skeptical Environmentalist offers readers a non-partisan stocktaking exercise that serves as a useful corrective to the more alarmist accounts favoured by campaign groups and the media. Pressestimmen 'This is one of the most valuable books on public policy - not merely on environmental policy - to have been written for the intelligent reader in the past ten years ? The Skeptical Environmentalist is a triumph.' The Economist '? a superbly documented and readable book.' Wall Street Journal 'The Skeptical Environmentalist should be read by every environmentalist, so that the appalling errors of fact the environmental movement has made in the past are not repeated. A brilliant and powerful book.' Matt Ridley, author of Genome 'The Skeptical Environmentalist is perhaps the most important book about the environment since Rachel Carson's Silent Spring (1962) awakened the world to the dangers of unrestrained economic growth.' Jason Cowley, New Statesman 'Bjorn Lomborg is an outstanding representative of the 'new breed' of political scientists - mathematically-skilled and computer-adept. In this book he shows himself also to be a hard-headed, empirically-oriented analyst. Surveying a vast amount of data and taking account of a wide range of more and less informed opinion about environmental threats facing the planet, he comes to a balanced assessment of which ones are real and which over-hyped. In vigorous informal style, he indicates what needs to be done to address the real environmental hazards - and what needs not to be done about those turning out to be pseudo-problems.' Jack Hirshleifer, University of California, Los Angeles 'A new book is about to overturn our most basic assumptions about the world's environment. Far from going to hell in a handcart, it is improving by almost all measures. Those things not getting better are getting worse at a slower rate.' Anthony Browne, Environment Correspondent, Observer 'Lomborg's challenge will have to be met ? he has given an important challenge to the scientific establishment that is not only good for science, but damned necessary to it.' Fortean Times 'When Lomborg concludes that '? the loss of the world's rainforests, of fertile agricultural land, the ozone layer and of the climate balance are terrible ?' I agree. But we also need debate, and this book provides us with that in generous amounts. If you, like I do, belong to the people who dare to think the world is making some progress, but always with mistakes to be corrected, this book makes important reading.' Lars Kristoferson, Secretary General, WWF Sweden 'Lomborg's book has drawn considerable attention. Although it may cause problems for the more militant and political environmentalists, it should be welcomed by anyone genuinely concerned about the environment. ? Lomborg's book sheds needed light on the real state of the world. I recommend it to anyone interested in our global environment ? The Skeptical Environmentalist is the most valuable book available in many years on public policy in general, not only environmental policy in particular. It should be required reading for all legislators, government bureaucrats and corporate executives who preside over the ever-increasing array of environmental regulations and politics. John P. Bluemle, Geotimes 'Whatever your standpoint, The Skeptical Environmentalist will make indispensable reading.' Mail on Sunday 'A brilliant book ? All in all, this is a must-have/must read book. Don't take my word for it. Check it out for yourself.' Clean Technologies & Environmental Policy '? his book is the Christmas present for a rational future.' The Chemical Engineer '? it should be welcomed by anyone genuinely concerned about the environment.' Environmental Geology 'The Skeptical Environmentalist marks a critical environmental moment ? We can forget those dreary old idols: Paul Ehrlich, Lester Brown with his Worldwatch Institute, Greenpeace and all the others. They have been exiled into the darkness. Eco-optimism can begin to rise over the Earth. After Lomborg, the environmental movement will begin to wither.' National Post 'Bjorn Lomborg's book is hugely beneficial for a debate that has been one-sided.' The Financial Times 515 17,4 x 3,5 x 24,7 cm ISBN: 9780521010689
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Bestell-Nr.: BN18194 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Umweltpolitik/Umweltschutz
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing

EUR 24,95
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Finanzmarkt : Welt Challenges of global finance = Die Herausforderungen des globalen Finanzmarktes : für Walter Seipp. Mainz : v. Hase und Koehler 1991. 372 S. ; 23 cm. Ill. Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm. OLwd mit Goldpräg. u. SU. Bilingual: Deutsch/English. Zustand: sehr gut. ISBN: 3775812326
[SW: Festschrift; Weltfinanzsystem Internationales + UNO Englisch/Amerikan.(s.a. beim Sachgebiet).]
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Bestell-Nr.: 1836 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Wirtschaft + Geld
Anbieter: Antiquariat Bücher-Quell, DE-65620 Waldbrunn-Lahr (Westerwald)

EUR 7,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,90
Lieferzeit: 1 - 4 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


Allg. Wissenschaften - Rüegg, Walter (Ed.): Balzan Symposium 2002. Meeting the Challenges of the Future. A Discussion between 'The two Cultures' Leo S.Olschki, 2003. 209 p., Gr. Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, coth, dust jaket, - Organized by the International Balzan Foundation at the Royal Society, London 13-14 May 2002 Leinen mit Folienschutz sehr guter Zustand
[SW: Allg. Wissenschaften]
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Bestell-Nr.: 33930 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Allgemeine Wissenschaften
Anbieter: Wissenschaftliches Antiquariat Heinz Buschulte, DE-79379 Müllheim

EUR 18,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


EUR 10,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Paulsen, F. Robert American Education. Challenges & Images. Tucson, Arizona The University of Arizona Press 1967 Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, 118 S., Gzl. mit OUAntikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOU = Original-Umschlag., OUAntikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOU = Original-Umschlag. beschädigt, Stempel auf dem Vorsatz.
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Bestell-Nr.: 06087 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Pädagogik
Anbieter: Antiquariat Sasserath, DE-41189 Mönchengladbach
Der Anbieter weist keine Mehrwertsteuer aus (brutto = netto).

EUR 4,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,40
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Future Nuclear Regulatory Challenges

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Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities: Future Nuclear Regulatory Challenges Deutschland NEA Nuclear Energy Agency 1998. A4, Paperback ISBN: 9789264161061 Ehemaliges Uni-Exemplar, leicht angestaubt, sonst gut erhalten Altersfreigabe FSK ab 0 Jahre
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Bestell-Nr.: 104819 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Sachbücher (engl.)
Anbieter: Buch-Mars, DE-58675 Hemer
Lieferung mit MwSt-Rechnung. PayPal-Zahlungen werden erst ab 10€ Warenwert akzeptiert. Darunter nur wenn Sie die zusätzlichen Gebühren tragen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an unserem Angebot.
Versandkostenfrei nach Deutschland (Land-/Seeweg) ab EUR 99,00 Bestellwert bei diesem Anbieter.
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EUR 6,15
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,00
Lieferzeit: 3 - 7 Werktage
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EUR 14,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,90
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Cammas, Alexandre: Promoting Perseverance in the Consecrated Life. Antropological Challenges to Formation. Litos. Unione Superiori Generali, 2006. 83 Seiten Softcover Zustand: keine Beschädigungen, keine Eintragungen. Rücken, Ecken, Kanten leicht berieben/bestoßen
[SW: Beda]
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Bestell-Nr.: 216310 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Religion, Theologie
Anbieter: Buchantiquariat Clerc Fremin, DE-86989 Steingaden
Die Buchdaten sind nicht aktuell.

EUR 10,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,90
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Challenges in medicine.

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Medizin Siegenthaler, Walter [Hrsg.] und Ernst [gefeierte Person] Jung: Challenges in medicine. Stuttgart ; New York : Thieme, 1996. Gute Erhaltung, leichte Gebrauchsspuren, letzten Seiten Fingerbegriffen ISBN: 3131044519
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Bestell-Nr.: 112940 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Medizin
Anbieter: Antiquariat Bäßler, DE-92648 Vohenstrauß
Versandkostenfrei nach Deutschland (Land-/Seeweg) ab EUR 300,00 Bestellwert bei diesem Anbieter.

EUR 4,80
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,00
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Granger, Sylviane / Petch-Tyson, Stephanie Extending the scope of corpus-based research. New applications, new challenges. (=Language and Computers: Studies in practical Linguistics; No. 48). Rodopi Amsterdam, 2003. 261 S. Hardcover/ Pappband Guter Zustand/ Good With figures and tables.
[SW: Sprachwissenschaften Linguistic Science Informatic Informatik]
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Bestell-Nr.: 461188 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Sprachen-allgemein
Anbieter: Antiquariat Thomas Haker GmbH & Co. KG, DE-10439 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

EUR 5,90
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 7 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


Collected Works of Count Rumford. Volume V: Public Institutions.

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Edited by Sanborn C. Brown Collected Works of Count Rumford. Volume V: Public Institutions. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Ma 1970 Leinen Sehr gut Text Englisch. Leinen-Einband mit Rückentitelei, tadellos, VII, 512 Seiten, wie neu. Sir Benjamin Thompson, Graf Rumford (Reichsgraf von Rumford) (1753-1814), Offizier, Politiker, Experimentalphysiker und Erfinder, hatte bedeutenden Anteil an der Weiterentwicklung der Wärmelehre. In München wurde er zum Adjutanten und Kammerherrn ernannt und 1788 mit der Reorganisation der Armee beauftragt, die sich in einem desolaten Zustand befand. Insbesondere die gewöhnlichen Soldaten waren schlecht bezahlt, schlecht ernährt und schlecht gekleidet. Thompson ließ in jeder Garnison von den Soldaten Gärten anlegen, um ihre Lebensmittelversorgung zu verbessern, so auch in München auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Englischen Gartens. Er machte seine wissenschaftlichen Interessen für seine Aufgabe nutzbar, indem er Untersuchungen zur wärmedämmenden Wirkung von Uniformstoffen anstellte und eine wärmespeichernde Unterwäsche erfand. Über die Armut und das Elend der einfachen Soldaten wurde Thompson zum Sozialreformer. Zur Bekämpfung des Bettlerunwesens ließ er Armenhäuser, Schulen für Soldatenkinder, Arbeitshäuser und Manufakturen errichten und nutzte auch hier seine naturwissenschaftlichen Kenntnisse, um die Lebensumstände der Bevölkerung zu verbessern: Er erfand den Rumford-Herd, einen energiesparenden Küchenherd, der nur halb so viel Brennstoff verbrauchte wie die noch weithin üblichen offenen Herde, entwickelte verbesserte Öfen, Kamine und Lampen und eine funktionale Kücheneinrichtung.Für Suppenküchen zur Speisung der Armen erfand er die Rumfordsuppe, ein billiges, aber nahrhaftes Eintopfgericht, das europaweite Verbreitung in der Armenfürsorge fand. Hauptbestandteil der Rumfordsuppe waren Kartoffeln, die, bislang von der bayrischen Bevölkerung misstrauisch abgelehnt, von Thompson als Volksnahrungsmittel propagiert wurden (aus Wikipedia). --- A full cloth-bound monograph, VII, 512 pages, excellent condition. Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford (in German: Reichsgraf von Rumford), FRS (born 1753, died 1814) American-born British physicist and inventor whose challenges to established physical theory were part of the 19th century revolution in thermodynamics. He also served as a Lieutenant-Colonel in the Loyalist forces in America during the American Revolutionary War. After the end of the war he moved to London where his administrative talents were recognized when he was appointed a full Colonel, and in 1784 received a knighthood from King George III. A prolific designer, he also drew designs for warships. He later moved to Bavaria and entered government service there, being appointed Bavarian Army Minister and re-organizing the army, and, in 1791, was made a Count of the Holy Roman Empire (from Wikipedia). 15 x 24 Cm. 0,9 Kg.
[SW: Kulturgeschichte Erinnerungen Memoiren]
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Bestell-Nr.: 017681 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia
Anbieter: Antiquariat Clement, DE-53111 Bonn

EUR 30,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


Coniglione, Francesco (Hrsg.): Through the mirrors of science. New challenges for knowledge-based societies. Frankfurt/Main: Ontos 2010. Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm. 311 S., kartoniert (sehr gut erhalten) ISBN: 9783868380668
[SW: Philosophie]
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Bestell-Nr.: 26209BB - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Philosophie
Anbieter: Bücher Eule, CH-3011 Bern
Bankkonto in Deutschland vorhanden.
Versandkostenfrei nach Deutschland (Land-/Seeweg) ab EUR 5.000,00 Bestellwert bei diesem Anbieter.

EUR 46,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 12,90
Lieferzeit: 4 - 7 Werktage
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