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Connecting. Contemporary Arts and Crafts from Germany, Norway, Finland, Denmark an Sweden. 2011 / 12.

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Patz-Nahm, C. (Red.): Connecting. Contemporary Arts and Crafts from Germany, Norway, Finland, Denmark an Sweden. 2011 / 12. Connecting-artsandcrafts, 2011. Keine Seitenzählung. quer-Kl. 8ºAntikbuch24-SchnellhilfeKlein-Oktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 15-18,5 cm (=15-18,5cm), Broschiert. Text englisch und schwedisch, teilweise auch deutsch. Sehr guter Gesamtzustand. Versand in aller Regel innerhalb von ein bis zwei Werktagen. Rechnung mit ausgewiesener Mehrwertsteuer beiliegend.
Buchdetails ansehen...

Bestell-Nr.: 36914 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Kunst, Kultur, Kunstgeschichte
Anbieter: Antiquariat Kelifer, DE-24939 Flensburg
Informationen zur Online-Streitbeilegung: Die EU-Kommission wird im ersten Quartal 2016 eine Internetplattform zur Online-Beilegung von Streitigkeiten (sog. „OS-Plattform“) bereitstellen. Die OS-Plattform soll als Anlaufstelle zur außergericht
Versandkostenfrei nach Deutschland (Land-/Seeweg) ab EUR 100,00 Bestellwert bei diesem Anbieter.

EUR 14,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
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A Way With Words: Book 2 Student`s book: Vocabulary Development Activities for Learners of English Advisory editor: Michael McCarthy

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Redman, Stuart, Robert Ellis and Michael McCarthy; A Way With Words: Book 2 Student`s book: Vocabulary Development Activities for Learners of English Advisory editor: Michael McCarthy New York, Port ehester, Melbourne, Sydney, Cambridge University Press, 1990. 119 Seiten , 25 cm, kartoniert das Buch ist altersbedingt in einem gutem, gebrauchten Zustand, aus dem Inhalt: Studying vocabulary - Beginnings and endings: Affixation 1 - Words around the house - Finding partners for words: Coliocation - Travelling can be fun?? - Revision and expansion - Money and finance - Connecting words and ideas - Communicating with people - One + one = three: Compounds - Man and nature - Revision and expansion - Looking after yourself - Multi-word units - Woric - Affixation 2 - Behaviour: People and verbs - Revision and expansion - Rightv.left - Ways of looking at things - Problems - Connecting words and ideas 2 - Night and day - Revision and expansion - Word-building tables - Acknowledgements - Summary of exercises 4l1a ISBN-Nummer: 0521359198 A Way with Words; Vocabulary development activities for learners of English Book 2; Stuart Redman; Robert Ellis; Michael McCarthy; Schulbuch; Lehrbuch; 1 ISBN: 0521359198
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Bestell-Nr.: 46357 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Schulbücher
Anbieter: Antiquariat Ardelt, DE-01983 Großräschen

EUR 6,95
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Nils Holger Moormann GmbH ; Möbel ; Design, Grafik, angewandte Kunst Moormann, Nils Holger (Herausgeber): Werkbericht. Berlin : Die Gestalten-Verlag, 2015. Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Florian Hufnagl. FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. Werkbericht presents 51 pieces of furniture from the current collection of Nils Holger Moormann, one of the leading protagonists of `New German Design.`This book is not a mere product catalog, but rather a focused exploration of each piece showcased within. The presentation of the products-consequently disassembled into their individual parts-is a stylistic device that directs the attention of the reader to precise individual solutions and concise formal expressions. Details truly come to the fore.Nils Holger Moormann`s furniture is inspired by the central themes of intelligence, innovation, simplicity, and mobility. It can, for the most part, be disassembled and is designed for assembly without tools. Thus, the individual connecting elements gain an even greater significance. Werkbericht (literally `work report`) also highlights their functional and aesthetic form.The 200-page book is comprised of two parts, which differ not only in their graphic presentation, but also in the type of paper and typeface used. The first section in full color on uncoated paper focuses on the abstract presentation of the furniture in its individual parts. While individual components are shown on one side of a double page, the complete presentation can be found on the other. The second part of the book consists of detailed explanations of the products in five languages. The black and white print, lightweight paper, and small pictures of this section indicate that it can actually be considered an appendix. The foreword of Werkbericht was written by Professor Dr. Florian Hufnagl, who served as the chief museum director of the Neuen Sammlung, Munich until February 2014.For his lifetime of achievement, Nils Holger Moormann was recently presented with a highly coveted design award: the German Design Award 2015 in the Personality category.`This passion between design, chaos and play can together produce an essence that is so strong that it speaks its own, clear language. For me, that is fun. I like that.` Originalpappband im Originalschuber ( nur dieser am unteren Rand mit einer beriebenen Stelle) 199 Seiten. Mit zahlreichen farbigen Abbildungen. 29 cm ERSTAUSGABE. FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. Werkbericht presents 51 pieces of furniture from the current collection of Nils Holger Moormann, one of the leading protagonists of `New German Design.`This book is not a mere product catalog, but rather a focused exploration of each piece showcased within. The presentation of the products-consequently disassembled into their individual parts-is a stylistic device that directs the attention of the reader to precise individual solutions and concise formal expressions. Details truly come to the fore.Nils Holger Moormann`s furniture is inspired by the central themes of intelligence, innovation, simplicity, and mobility. It can, for the most part, be disassembled and is designed for assembly without tools. Thus, the individual connecting elements gain an even greater significance. Werkbericht (literally `work report`) also highlights their functional and aesthetic form.The 200-page book is comprised of two parts, which differ not only in their graphic presentation, but also in the type of paper and typeface used. The first section in full color on uncoated paper focuses on the abstract presentation of the furniture in its individual parts. While individual components are shown on one side of a double page, the complete presentation can be found on the other. The second part of the book consists of detailed explanations of the products in five languages. The black and white print, lightweight paper, and small pictures of this section indicate that it can actually be considered an appendix. The foreword of Werkbericht was written by Professor Dr. Florian Hufnagl, who served as the chief museum director of the Neuen Sammlung, Munich until February 2014.For his lifetime of achievement, Nils Holger Moormann was recently presented with a highly coveted design award: the German Design Award 2015 in the Personality category.`This passion between design, chaos and play can together produce an essence that is so strong that it speaks its own, clear language. For me, that is fun. I like that.`
[SW: Nils Holger Moormann GmbH ; Möbel ; Design, Grafik, angewandte Kunst]
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Bestell-Nr.: 293496 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Möbel / Möbelgeschichte
Anbieter: Chiemgauer Internet Antiquariat GbR, DE-83352 Altenmarkt
Konto in der Schweiz vorhanden - Zahlung über PayPal möglich auf folgende Email: strassberger@email.de

EUR 24,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


REPORT of the Senate Commitee on Interoeceanic Canals on the proposed ship canals through the american isthmus connecting the continents of North and South America.

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REPORT of the Senate Commitee on Interoeceanic Canals on the proposed ship canals through the american isthmus connecting the continents of North and South America. Washington, Government Printing Office 1901. gr. 8ºAntikbuch24-Schnellhilfegroß Oktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 22,5-25 cm. 551 S. OLdr. m. RSchildchen. Einbd. gestemp., etw. staubfleckig.
[SW: Marine]
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Bestell-Nr.: 0191-00 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Marine
Anbieter: Antiquariat Burgverlag, AT-1010 Wien

EUR 29,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Peep show picture. - Auffaltbares Guckkastenbild.

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THAMES TUNNEL - Peep show picture. - Auffaltbares Guckkastenbild. [ca. 1846]. 17,5 x 17 cm. Handkolor. Fünfteilige Stahlstiche. Erklärendes Textbl. in französ. Sprache a. d. Innendeckel ("Details succints sur le tunnel de la Tamise"). In zeitgen. Papiermappe mit Lasche. Das Bild zeigt die Eröffnungsfeierlichkeiten in Anwesenheit des Prince of Wales. Drei ausgestanzte Gucklöcher gewähren Einblicke in das Innere desTunnels sowie auf den Schiffsverkehr oberhalb. - Der Thames Tunnel ist der weltweit erste Unterwassertunnel. Erbaut von Th. Cochrane und I. Brunel wurde er nach meheren Überflutungen und einer siebenjährigen Bauunterbrechung 1843 fertigstellt. - The Thames Tunnel, the first underwater tunnel in the world, built beneath the River Thames in London, connecting Rotherhithe and Wapping. It was originally designed for, but never used by, horse-drawn carriages and now forms part of the London Overground railway. It was built between 1825 and 1843 by Thomas Cochrane and Marc Isambard Brunel and his son. The picture shows the ceremony of opening to public in the presence of the Prince of Wales on June 26th 1843.
[SW: Graphik]
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Bestell-Nr.: 3770-11 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Graphik
Anbieter: Antiquariat Burgverlag, AT-1010 Wien

EUR 1.200,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Bohjalian, Chris A.  Skeletons at the Feast

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Bohjalian, Chris A. Skeletons at the Feast CROWN PUB INC 2008 Hardcover Capturing both the power and poignancy of romance and the terror and tragedy of war, Bohjalian's latest work puts a moving face on one of the 20th century's greatest tragedies. In his 12th novel, Bohjalian (The Double Bind) paints the brutal landscape of Nazi Germany as German refugees struggle westward ahead of the advancing Russian army. Inspired by the unpublished diary of a Prussian woman who fled west in 1945, the novel exhumes the ruin of spirit, flesh and faith that accompanied thousands of such desperate journeys. Prussian aristocrat Rolf Emmerich and his two elder sons are sent into battle, while his wife flees with their other children and a Scottish POW who has been working on their estate. Before long, they meet up with Uri Singer, a Jewish escapee from an Auschwitz-bound train, who becomes the group's protector. In a parallel story line, hundreds of Jewish women shuffle west on a gruesome death march from a concentration camp. Bohjalian presents the difficulties confronting both sets of travelers with carefully researched detail and an unflinching eye, but he blinks when creating the Emmerichs, painting them as untainted by either their privileged status, their indoctrination by the Nazi Party or their adoration of Hitler. Although most of the characters lack complexity, Bohjalian's well-chosen descriptions capture the anguish of a tragic era and the dehumanizing desolation wrought by war. The perfect novel for a book club...this book sucked me right in. It’s vivid and heart-wrenching. John Searles, The Today Show Reading Bohjalian's descriptions of terror and tragedy on the road has just as much impact as seeing newsreels from the end of World War II....While creating suspense, Bohjalian agilely balances the moral ambiguities of war....Right and wrong shift depending on the situation. Ignorance is tolerated and murder is justified. But Bohjalian does posit that one absolute exists: No one wins at war. Dennis Moore, USA Today Harrowing...ingenious...compelling..Judging who's right or wrong is difficult in Skeletons at the Feast, and one senses that's just the way Bohjalian wants it...A tightly woven, moving story for anyone who thinks there's nothing left to learn, or feel, about the Second World War. That Bohjalian can extract greater truths about faith, hope and compassion from something as mundane as a diary is testament not only to his skill as a writer but also to the enduring ability of well-written war fiction to stir our deepest emotions. Paula L. Woods, The Los Angeles Times Harrowing...Bohjalian spins a suspenseful tale in which the plot triumphs over any single sorrow...[His] sense of character and place, his skillful plotting and his clear grasp of this confusing period of history make for a deeply satisfying novel, one that asks readers to consider, and reconsider, how they would rise to the challenge of terrible deprivation and agonizing moral choices. Margot Livesey, The Washington Post Book World A poignant account of the conflict's last year...Harrowing...In creating the Emmerichs and their relationship to Uri, Bohjalian has given us something new and disturbing. He has also created a wonderful character in the protected child, Theo, whose gradual understanding of what is happening to them is moving and real...Bohjalian has given us an important addition to the story of World War II, and, not at all incidentally, may expand the vision of those who may have avoided 'Holocaust literature' in the past. Roberta Silman, The Boston Globe Rich in character and gorgeous writing.” Jodi Picoult, Real Simple Bohjalian has shown a prodigious gift for exploring how people are transformed.” Entertainment Weekly Chris Bohjalian has done it again! His latest novel, Skeletons at the Feast...is more than well worth the read...Along this journey we not only see the horrors of the war unfold, we see the individuals evolve. The Valley Voice A bittersweet story of romance, war and death, inspired in part by a real diary...Strongly dramatic and full of the heartbreaking horror of war, this novel is Bohjalian at his imaginative best. Carole Godlberg, The Hartford Courant Skeletons at the Feast is a prime example of a well-written historical fiction. Readers will feel the despair experienced by the characters but will be able to find the bit of hope that keeps them moving forward. Bohjalian provides a vivid and well-researched look at the horrors experienced by the characters and presents a more personal account of anguish caused by the events of World War II. Courtney Holschuh, The Huntington, W.V. Herald-Dispatch Intense and fascinating...Bohjalian masterfully presents the desperation of troops who realize their cause is doomed...He successfully captures the humanity of one of the 20th century's most horrendous tragedies. The Rocky Mountain News This story mixes the nail-biting brutality of 'The Kite Runner' with the emotional intimacy of Anne Frank's diary. Austin American-Statesman An extraordinary historical novel based on the exodus of Germans in eastern Germany escaping the Soviet Army's advance in the waning days of World War II...A sense of justice pervades all of [Bohjalian's'] books. He demands that we act humanely toward one another and understand and respect others' beliefs and values. . .Skeletons at the Feast is not a screed on good vs.evil, but it does inspire thought on man's inhumanity to man, and, conversely, how individuals overcome adversity with acts of kindness, civility and integrity. The Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel Riveting...an unforgettable finale...Chris Bohjalian handles the context of this story effortlessly and has created characters so engaging that any reader will find themselves connecting with these very real people...I hail Bohjalian's new novel and its fearless account of one of the greatest tragedies of the 20th century. Ray Palen, Bookreporter This is the perfect novel for a book club because there’s so much to discuss. It’s vivid and heart-wrenching. John Searles, Cosmopolitan, on The Today Show, “Top 10 Summer Reads” Nail-biting, heart-ripping...The reader of Skeletons at the Feast is quietly checkmated by Bohjalian into a radical compassion we've heard somewhere before: Love Thy Enemy...I loved this unforgettable novel. Tom Paine, The Burlington Free Press A lush romance, reflecting resilience in the face of nearly certain tragedy....a trenchant epic that is both agonizing and enriching. AirTran Magazine A fictional tale of love, violence and redemption...Bohjalian deftly moves from the journey to the back stories of each character, fleshing out their histories and making their choices more poignant as their friendship and interdependence develop. Who will live and who will die? The author keeps up the suspense until the last page, with a surprise twist at the end. Capital Living Magazine Powerful...Skeletons at the Feast positively resonates with authenticity. I've read several accounts of that small part of World War II, but it took this novel to bring home to me, most clearly and vividly, the dreadful ordeal these people endured...[The Holocaust's] evils are more palpable when its victims come to life-and, in so many cases, death-in the pages of a well-crafted novel. Bohjalian allows the reader to know them and identify with them in a way that no photographs or program on the History Channel can match. A.C. Hutchinson, The Times-Argus Chris Bohjalian has written his finest novel to date, set against the brutal, waning days of World War Two in Eastern Germany....Skeletons at the Feast is Bohjalian's masterpiece. The power of the narrative will stay with the reader long after it is put down. Inspired by an actual World War II diary the author read, it will stand as one of the best novels ever written about one of the most brutal periods in history. Marvin Minkler, The North Star Monthly A deeply moving and engrossing novel...Bohjalian has created a microcosm of that devastating winter of 1945. He makes us care deeply for his characters. His terse, dry prose renders the most appalling atrocities in an almost stoic manner, doubling the emotional impact. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch Immensely readable...Bohjalian takes a fresh perspective and details the brutal realities of World War II in a novel that for once does not focus entirely on the Allies. Recommended for fiction collections. Library Journal “Careful research and an unflinching eye...Bohjalian's well-chosen descriptions capture the anguish of a tragic era and the dehumanizing desolation wrought by war.” Publisher’s Weekly Bohjalian is especially good at conveying the surreal 'beauty,' the misshapen lyricism, of the war-torn landscape: 'Even the stone church had collapsed upon itself…the once imposing pipes of the organ reshaped by heat and flame into giant copper-colored mushrooms.' From harrowing to inspiring. Kirkus Reviews “Bohjalian demonstrates an intricate historical knowledge and impressively illustrates the stark horrors of the time...A compelling read with its mix of history, romance and portrayals of strength in the midst of severe adversity: War really is hell, the book says, but the human spirit is ultimately salvageable.” Rebecca Stropoli, Bookpage ausgemustertes Büchereiexemplar in sehr gutem Zustand! Sämtliche bibliotheksspezifischen Merkmale konnten entfernt werden! 372 241x173x35 mm ISBN: 9780307394958
[SW: Fiction - General;Fiction / General]
Buchdetails ansehen...

Bestell-Nr.: BN13349 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Romane (engl.)
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing

EUR 14,85
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


Leong, Ho Khai Connecting and Distancing: Southeast Asia and China Inst of Southeast Asian Studie 2009 tadellos / impeccable ISBN: 9789812308566 gebraucht, wie neu 265 22,81 x 15,60 x 2,59
Buchdetails ansehen...

Bestell-Nr.: 92975 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Englischsprachige Bücher Länder/Reisen (engl.)
Anbieter: Leserstrahl, DE-25557 Oldenbüttel

EUR 14,71
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,10
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


Ensser, Michael (Hg.): Connecting Leaders. Dialoge. Egon Zehnder, 2014. 236 S., überw. farb. Fotos. Hardcover Sehr guter Zustand.
Buchdetails ansehen...

Bestell-Nr.: 606711 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia
Anbieter: Antiquariat Thomas Haker GmbH & Co. KG, DE-10439 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

EUR 14,60
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,50
Lieferzeit: 1 - 4 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


Firmo, Luis (Ed.): The Connecting sites and communities. Documentation project - APAP IV. Apap Advancing performing arts project. 2006. 1st ed. 189 S., Ill.; 29,5 cm, Paperback Very good condition.
[SW: Darstellende Kunst]
Buchdetails ansehen...

Bestell-Nr.: 607194 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Kunst ab 1900
Anbieter: Antiquariat Thomas Haker GmbH & Co. KG, DE-10439 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

EUR 6,90
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,50
Lieferzeit: 1 - 4 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


FOLLETTE, P. J., O Farrell, P. H. , Connecting cell behavior to patterning. Lessons from the cell cycle., 1997 Cell 88, 309-314 (1997)., Obr., WES142]..,
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Bestell-Nr.: 89143 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia
Anbieter: Antiquariat Petri, DE-07743 Jena

EUR 4,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


GROTTEL, Kazmirez, Sokolowski,. J., Neural group connecting the nucleus retroambiguus with nucleus ambiguus. 1986 Anat. Ant. Jena 161, 113-117 (1986)., Obr., [SD118].,
Buchdetails ansehen...

Bestell-Nr.: 89348 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia
Anbieter: Antiquariat Petri, DE-07743 Jena

EUR 4,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


Netzwerke & Internet / Netzwerke, Protokolle & APIs / Programmieren / Prinzip der Elektrizität / Mec Igoe, Tom: Making Things Talk: Practical Methods for Connecting Physical Objects O`Reilly & Associates, 2007. TOPZUSTAND, ungelesen, kein Mängelexemplar, minimale Lagerspuren am Einband Taschenbuch 428 Seiten ISBN: 0596510519 TOPZUSTAND, ungelesen, kein Mängelexemplar, minimale Lagerspuren am Einband
[SW: Netzwerke & Internet / Netzwerke, Protokolle & APIs / Programmieren / Prinzip der Elektrizität / Mechanik]
Buchdetails ansehen...

Bestell-Nr.: 11084 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Netzwerke & Internet
Anbieter: Antiquariat Rohde, DE-21039 Hamburg

EUR 9,90
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,70
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


Bridgewater, Howard Evidence connecting Sir Francis Bacon with "Shakespeare" The Bacon Society, London, (um 1950). 32 S. mit Abb.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeAbb. = Abbildung(en) und einem Portraitfrontispiz, kartoniert, (Einband etwas gebräunt)
Buchdetails ansehen...

Bestell-Nr.: 2C8678 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Literaturwissenschaften
Anbieter: Celler Versandantiquariat, DE-29358 Eicklingen
Bei Problemen in Zusammenhang mit einer Bestellung erreichen Sie uns am besten über unsere E-Mail-Adresse: Celler.Versandantiquariat@t-online.de Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit.

EUR 7,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 5,90
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


Protevi, John: Political Affect. Connecting the Social and the Somatic. [Posthumanities, Vol. 7]. University of Minnesota Press, 2009. 241 p. Hardcover/Pappeinband ISBN: 9780816665099 Very good. Shrink wrapped. / Sehr guter Zustand. In Folie verschweißt.
Buchdetails ansehen...

Bestell-Nr.: 817909 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Politik
Anbieter: Antiquariat Thomas Haker GmbH & Co. KG, DE-10439 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

EUR 32,30
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 7 Werktage
Preis umrechnen

In den Warenkorb


Black, Anna: A Year of Living Mindfully: London, Cico Books, 2019. Buch in sehr guter Erhaltung, Einband sauber und vorwiegend unbestoßen, Seiten hell und sauber, ohne Einträge, Anna Black believes we can see our essential nature as the blue sky and our experience, good and bad, simply as impersonal weather that obscures it from time to time. We can’t stop the difficult times occurring, but we can help ourselves through them by connecting with our essential nature through mindfulness, weekly activities and meditations to cultivate present moment awareness. The emphasis is on progressing at your own pace and cultivating a spirit of curiosity about the moments that make up your life. To help you do this, included throughout are notebook pages, where you can explore your experience. Anna suggests ways to actively cultivate qualities that build our emotional resilience in the same way we may exercise to improve our physical fitness. We can learn to handle difficult emotions and to respond to our experience rather than being hijacked by it. ISBN: 9781782496847
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Bestell-Nr.: 156108 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Englische Bücher
Anbieter: Antiquariat Bäßler, DE-92648 Vohenstrauß
Versandkostenfrei nach Deutschland (Land-/Seeweg) ab EUR 300,00 Bestellwert bei diesem Anbieter.

EUR 9,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,00
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


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