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Briefwechsel, Leben, Werk, Biographie Australien, Forscher Botanik, Botaniker Biogeogragraphie Home, R.W., A.M. Lucas Sara Maroske (ed.) a. o.: Regardfully yours. Selected Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller. Life and Letters Volume III. 1876 - 1896 Bern ; Berlin ; Bruxelles ; Frankfurt a. M. ; New York ; Oxford ; Wien : Lang, 2006. Texte in deutsch und Englisch. FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. ( NEUDRUCK auf Anfrage: 130 Euro ) Of German origin, Ferdinand von Mueller migrated to Australia in 1847. Government Botanist of Victoria for 43 years until his death in 1896, he was Australia`s greatest scientist of the 19th century - a major contributor to international science, an intrepid explorer of parts of Australia previously unknown to Europeans, and a dominant figure in the scientific and intellectual life of his adopted country. Throughout his working life, Mueller kept up an enormous correspondence. Large numbers of letters by or to him have been located throughout the world, and edited for publication. These constitute a major new research tool for both Australian historians and historians of science. They are also of fundamental importance to Australian taxonomic botany, for Mueller introduced vast numbers of Australian plants to western science. This is the third and final volume of Mueller`s selected correspondence. It covers the last two decades of his life - his most productive period from a scientific point of view - including his work as Government Botanist of Victoria; his multifarious contributions to taxonomy, biogeography and economic botany; his engagement with the exploration of inland Australia, New Guinea and Antarctica; his manifold links with international science; and his evolving personal circumstances as one of the leading citizens of his adopted country. This volume contains a substantial historical introduction, and a further extension of the editorial apparatus developed in previous volumes. Originalpappband. 23 cm 909 Seiten. Mit Abbildungen und INDEX. First edition. FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. ( NEUDRUCK auf Anfrage: 130 Euro ) Of German origin, Ferdinand von Mueller migrated to Australia in 1847. Government Botanist of Victoria for 43 years until his death in 1896, he was Australia`s greatest scientist of the 19th century - a major contributor to international science, an intrepid explorer of parts of Australia previously unknown to Europeans, and a dominant figure in the scientific and intellectual life of his adopted country. Throughout his working life, Mueller kept up an enormous correspondence. Large numbers of letters by or to him have been located throughout the world, and edited for publication. These constitute a major new research tool for both Australian historians and historians of science. They are also of fundamental importance to Australian taxonomic botany, for Mueller introduced vast numbers of Australian plants to western science. This is the third and final volume of Mueller`s selected correspondence. It covers the last two decades of his life - his most productive period from a scientific point of view - including his work as Government Botanist of Victoria; his multifarious contributions to taxonomy, biogeography and economic botany; his engagement with the exploration of inland Australia, New Guinea and Antarctica; his manifold links with international science; and his evolving personal circumstances as one of the leading citizens of his adopted country. This volume contains a substantial historical introduction, and a further extension of the editorial apparatus developed in previous volumes.
[SW: Briefwechsel, Leben, Werk, Biographie Australien, Forscher Botanik, Botaniker Biogeogragraphie]
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Bestell-Nr.: 261174 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Botanik / Mykologie (Pilzkunde)
Anbieter: Chiemgauer Internet Antiquariat GbR, DE-83352 Altenmarkt
Konto in der Schweiz vorhanden - Zahlung über PayPal möglich auf folgende Email: strassberger@email.de

EUR 90,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,50
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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Nusch, Martin;  Mit dem Bus durch Second Life - "Bald hat die Hälfte aller Menschen eine zweite Identität im Internet"

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Nusch, Martin; Mit dem Bus durch Second Life - "Bald hat die Hälfte aller Menschen eine zweite Identität im Internet" Frankfurt am Main, S. Fischer Verlag GmbH, 2007. 269 Seiten , 18 cm, kartoniert der Seitenschnitt und der Einband sind leicht fleckig, das Buch ist in einem guten Zustand, "Mehrere Millionen Menschen haben sich in Second Life eine neue Wirklichkeit geschaffen. Jetzt mischt sich die künstliche Parallelwelt immer stärker in die Realität ein!" Der Spiegel Wie funktioniert Second Life? Was kann ich dort unternehmen? Kann ich in (oder mit) Second Life Geld verdienen? Wo sind die schönsten Orte? Wo lässt sich am besten shoppen? Und: Was wird aus Second Life in der Zukunft? Steigen Sie ein! ährplan und Details im Blog zum Bus im Buch: .... (vom Einbandrücken) 3j1b ISBN-Nummer: 3596178483 Mit dem Bus durch Second Life; "Bald hat die Hälfte aller Menschen eine zweite Identität im Internet"; Martin Nusch; Internet; virtuelle Welt; Identität; Computer; Syberspace; 1 ISBN: 3596178483
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Bestell-Nr.: 31140 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Informatik & EDV
Anbieter: Antiquariat Ardelt, DE-01983 Großräschen

EUR 5,95
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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[Hrsg.]: Firesidebooks; Time Inc. LIFE CARRIES ON 1993 Simon & Schuster Verlag Kurzbeschreibung: LIFE, America s favorite magazine for over half a century, is back with another hilarious collection of its offbeat off-the-wall photographs. No one captures the quintessential human (or animal) condition quite like LIFE; and LIFE Carries on continues the tradition of bestellers LIFE Smiles back and LIFE Laughs last presenting the lighter side of it all . Zustand: Einband mit geringfügigen Gebrauchsspuren, insgesamt SEHR GUTER Zustand! ISBN: 0671868527
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Bestell-Nr.: 97771 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Fremdsprachige Bücher - Fremdsprachige Bücher + - Belletristik
Anbieter: INFINIBU KG, DE-40215 Düsseldorf

EUR 4,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,40
Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Religion - Gardiner, Gordon P. : Strahlende Herrlichkeit (deutsche Ausgabe, deutsche Sprache) : Leben und Dienst von Martha Wing Robinson : NEUBUCH (in Folie) - Verlags Restbestand : erste Auflage : Hamburg, Schriftenmission SIEG DES KREUZES : 1982. 415 Seiten, Illustrationen : deutsche Sprache : 8 Octav, kart.Antikbuch24-Schnellhilfekart. = kartoniert, Softcover/Paperback : Neubuch (in Folie) : ISBN: 9783928303040 Martha Abigail Wing was born in Sand Spring, Iowa on November 14, 1874. Martha excelled in school and was constantly exposed to Christian teaching through Bible reading and Sunday School. She was converted during a revival service led by J.G and J.W. Foote in 1886. In 1890 she moved to Canada to stay with her aunt and uncle, so she could receive furthur education. Her uncle was a Methodist minister. One day in 1892 he spoke to her and told her "the Lord wants you to live and work just for Himself." This call took Martha aback. She had plans to be a writer. She left her uncle's family in July to return home. For the next six years she struggled against the call in her life. She took a teaching job, but in the winter of 1895 became ill and was forced to give it up. She saw doctors, took medicine, went to other climates where family lived but still did not get better. She had stomach, liver, and kidney trouble, her joints would swell, she had severe headaches and at times she would have attacks where her entire body would grow stiff and she could not move. She was in a state of physical and mental exhaustion. The entire time she struggled with her uncles word to live and work for God alone. When she was 23 she was hospitalized for three months. There she drifted from God almost totally. In 1898 she saw a celestial sign in the heavens. She knew at that point that there must be a God and set out to pursue him. She prayed 18 hours a day for a month. One night at midnight she was awoken and it seemed that the heavens opened above her and the Holy Spirit revealed the existence of God in a way that she would never question again. From that point on she committed "to serve Him even if she awoke in hell." She was close to death but committed to pray every waking hour. She struggled with her illness trying to glorify God. One night however, in frustration she cried out "Father heal me, heal me and let me live for Thy service. I know that it cannot be Thy will that I should drag out my life a useless burden to myself and everyone else. It is all nonsense for me to try to make myself believe I can glorify Thee in my miserable sickness. Give me health and let me work in Thy Vineyard - and atone for my years of idleness." She was healed for a time, but within weeks the symptoms began to return. A friend of the family was healed through John Alexander Dowie in Chicago. Martha began to study the Word and found out that God did heal. She had Dowie pray for her, in abstentia, twice but did not improve. Still she pressed into God. In February and again in March 1899 she and her sister were praying and the presence of God rolled over her. She was partially healed. She kept on pressing into God and went to Zion House in Chicago. She stayed two months and came to the understanding that she needed to know th Healer more than the healing. She was completely healed before she left Chicago to return home to Davenport. She went home and gave her testimony. She began getting requests for prayer. God led her to work for a company where she led her employer to Christ. He allowed her to leave work at any time to pray for the sick. One call was for a woman who died before she arrived. Upon entering the room Martha laid hands on the woman and she sat up. Her healing ministry was so successful that Dr. Dowie had her ordained as a minister on May 24, 1901. One day she prayed for a woman who had a stroke and was paralyzed. The woman got up and walked fourteen blocks and home again. The woman was also healed of rheumatism and heart disease. Dowie, seeing her success asked her to come to Chicago to help with the move to Zion. In November 1901 Martha moved to Zion and worked for the Lace factory manager. There she met, and eventually married in 1905, Henry Walker Robinson. This was a season when God pulled her back from ministry and began to deal with her character. Henry and Martha moved to Detroit to work as ministers. Martha returned for a visit in 1906 just in time to attend meetings led by Charles Parham on the infilling of the Holy Spirit. She and her husband sought God on this and both had experiences of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. God eventually called the couple to Toronto, Canada and then back to Zion, Illinois. Many of the people in Zion had been crushed when the town collapsed financially and spiritually. Martha held meetings which touched people to return to the work of the service of God. The Robinsons opened a "Faith Home" where people would come for teaching and prayer. Like George Muller they depended on God to provide what was needed for expenses. Thousands came through her home and healings were a regular occurrence. Her husband died in April of 1916, but Martha continued in her ministry. She had a very sharp gift of discernment and regularly told people the secrets of their hearts. She often had directive prophetic words for those under her care. Many young people came to the home for training and went into the mission fields and evangelistic endeavors. Martha Wing Robinson died June 26, 1936. Shortly before she died she stated her life's message "Nothing matters but Christ Jesus." Her whole life was spent in the service of God and for the Glory of His Son Jesus. She had seen many healed, saved, delivered, empowered and sent out. She was truly a mother in Israel. In 1962 Gordon P. Gardiner wrote a book about her life called "Radiant Glory" because that is how she lived her life. (The picture above is taken from "Radiant Glory.") (quelle:healingandrevial) : gerne senden wir Ihnen weitere Fotos und Informationen : der Gesamteindruck dieses Buches ist NEUWERTIG - Buch ist in Deutscher Sprache 392830304X Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich um gebrauchte Bücher handelt. Bei den Preisen haben wir den Zustand des Buches berücksichtigt.
[SW: Biographien, Lebensbilder, Gemeindebewegungen, Theologie allgemein, Kirche, Evangelisch, Katholisch, methodisten, freie Christen, junge Christen, Religion, Gott, Reformation, Luther, Papst, Geschichte, Kirchengeschichte, Studium, Bibelkunde, Bibelstudium, Glaube]
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Bestell-Nr.: 7260 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Biographien, Lebensbilder, Gemeindebewegungen
Anbieter: Büchersuchdienst Theologica, DE-78234 Engen
Ein Bankkonto für Kunden in der Schweiz ist vorhanden.

EUR 6,50
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,50
Lieferzeit: 4 - 7 Werktage
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Biographie, Malerei, leben, Werk, Impressionismus Rey, Jean Dominique: Berthe Morisot . Foreword Sylvie Patry. ISBN 10: 2080301683ISBN 13: 9782080301680 Paris, Flammarion, 2010. FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. In excellent shape. - A comprehensive, illustrated tribute to the life and works of the most influential female Impressionist painter. Berthe Morisot won over the Impressionists with her talent and became the first woman of the period alongside Monet, Degas, Renoir, Pissarro, and Sisley. Morisot`s paintings demonstrate how far ahead of her time she was when she created them, pioneering a new style of painting. However, she was underestimated for more than a century--most probably because she was a woman. This book, a comprehensive monograph showcasing the life and works of this influential artist, focusies on the important stages of her career, including her first participation in the Salon de Paris at the age of twenty-three in 1864. Moreover, the book assesses the significance of the time certain paintings were created, taking into consideration what was happening in the artist`s life during that period. Originalpappband mit Original-Schutzumschlag. 218 Seiten. Mit zahlreichen farbigen Abbildungen. First edition. FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. In excellent shape. - A comprehensive, illustrated tribute to the life and works of the most influential female Impressionist painter. Berthe Morisot won over the Impressionists with her talent and became the first woman of the period alongside Monet, Degas, Renoir, Pissarro, and Sisley. Morisot`s paintings demonstrate how far ahead of her time she was when she created them, pioneering a new style of painting. However, she was underestimated for more than a century--most probably because she was a woman. This book, a comprehensive monograph showcasing the life and works of this influential artist, focusies on the important stages of her career, including her first participation in the Salon de Paris at the age of twenty-three in 1864. Moreover, the book assesses the significance of the time certain paintings were created, taking into consideration what was happening in the artist`s life during that period.
[SW: Biographie, Malerei, leben, Werk, Impressionismus]
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Bestell-Nr.: 298988 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Kunstgeschichte / Kunstwissenschaft
Anbieter: Chiemgauer Internet Antiquariat GbR, DE-83352 Altenmarkt
Konto in der Schweiz vorhanden - Zahlung über PayPal möglich auf folgende Email: strassberger@email.de

EUR 29,50
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage
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More Than Life Itself. A Synthetic Continuation in Relational Biology. (Categories) ANNÄHERND NEUWERTIG

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Biologie, Philosophie, Relationale Biologie Louie, A. H. More Than Life Itself. A Synthetic Continuation in Relational Biology. (Categories) ANNÄHERND NEUWERTIG 2009 ontos Gebundener Pappeinband, 22 x 15 cm, minimale Gebrauchsspuren, annähernd neuwertig. Verlagstext: A. H. Louie s More Than Life Itself is an exploratory journey in relational biology, a study of life in terms of the organization of entailment relations in living systems. This book represents a synergy of the mathematical theories of categories, lattices, and modelling, and the result is a synthetic biology that provides a characterization of life. Biology extends physics. Life is not a specialization of mechanism, but an expansive generalization of it. Organisms and machines share some common features, but organisms are not machines. Life is defined by a relational closure that places it beyond the reach of physicochemical and mechanistic dogma, outside the reductionistic universe, and into the realm of impredicativity. Function dictates structure. Complexity brings forth living beings.
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Bestell-Nr.: 7354 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Naturwissenschaft
Anbieter: Antiquariat an der Linie 3, DE-64285 Darmstadt

EUR 170,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Leben Knowlson, James: Damned to Fame: Life of Samuel Beckett: The Life of Samuel Beckett ISBN 10: 0747531692ISBN 13: 9780747531692 London Bloomsbury Publishing, 1997. SEHR schönes Exemplar der maßgeblichen Biographie. BEILIEGT: Ausführlicher Zeitungsartikel von Willi Winkler in der SZ (2003) über Becketts Tagebuch des Deutschland-Besuchs im jahr 1936. A triumph of scholarship and sympathy. one of the great post-war biographies` - Independent A landmark in scholarly criticism. Knowlson is the world`s largest Beckett scholar. His life is right up there with George Painter`s Proust and Richard Ellmann`s Joyce in sensitivity and fascination` - Daily Telegraph It is hard to imagine a fuller portrait of the man who gave our age some of the myths by which it lives` - Samuel Beckett`s long-standing friend, James Knowlson, recreates Beckett`s youth in Ireland, his studies at Trinity College, Dublin in the early 1920s and from there to the Continent, where he plunged into the multicultural literary society of late-1920s Paris. The biography throws new light on Beckett`s stormy relationship with his mother, the psychotherapy he received after the death of his father and his crucial relationship with James Joyce. There is also material on Beckett`s six-month visit to Germany as the Nazi`s tightened their grip. The book includes unpublished material on Beckett`s personal life after he chose to live in France, including his own account of his work for a Resistance cell during the war, his escape from the Gestapo and his retreat into hiding. Obsessively private, Beckett was wholly committed to the work which eventually brought his public fame, beginning with the controversial success of "Waiting for Godot" in 1953, and culminating in the award of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1969. Originalpappband mit Original-Schutzumschlag. XXIV, 872 Seiten. SEHR schönes Exemplar der maßgeblichen Biographie. BEILIEGT: Ausführlicher Zeitungsartikel von Willi Winkler in der SZ (2003) über Becketts Tagebuch des Deutschland-Besuchs im jahr 1936. A triumph of scholarship and sympathy. one of the great post-war biographies` - Independent A landmark in scholarly criticism. Knowlson is the world`s largest Beckett scholar. His life is right up there with George Painter`s Proust and Richard Ellmann`s Joyce in sensitivity and fascination` - Daily Telegraph It is hard to imagine a fuller portrait of the man who gave our age some of the myths by which it lives` - Samuel Beckett`s long-standing friend, James Knowlson, recreates Beckett`s youth in Ireland, his studies at Trinity College, Dublin in the early 1920s and from there to the Continent, where he plunged into the multicultural literary society of late-1920s Paris. The biography throws new light on Beckett`s stormy relationship with his mother, the psychotherapy he received after the death of his father and his crucial relationship with James Joyce. There is also material on Beckett`s six-month visit to Germany as the Nazi`s tightened their grip. The book includes unpublished material on Beckett`s personal life after he chose to live in France, including his own account of his work for a Resistance cell during the war, his escape from the Gestapo and his retreat into hiding. Obsessively private, Beckett was wholly committed to the work which eventually brought his public fame, beginning with the controversial success of "Waiting for Godot" in 1953, and culminating in the award of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1969.
[SW: Leben]
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Bestell-Nr.: 299756 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Biographie / Autobiographie / Memoiren / Briefwechsel / Tagebücher
Anbieter: Chiemgauer Internet Antiquariat GbR, DE-83352 Altenmarkt
Konto in der Schweiz vorhanden - Zahlung über PayPal möglich auf folgende Email: strassberger@email.de

EUR 24,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Geschichte Redaktion Time-Life Bücher Verleger:Verlag:Amsterdam, Time-Life Bücher Einband:Gebunden im Hardcover (HC): 178 Seiten mit zahlreichen Abbildungen ,Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeQuart = Höhe des Buchrücken 30-35 cm,Verleger:Verlag:Amsterdam, Time-Life Bücher,1990,ohne Fehl und Tadel. Zerfall der antiken Welt Spektrum der Weltgeschichte 200-600 nach Christus, Time Life, 178 Seiten, tolle Bilder, dekorativer Einband (Gebundene Ausgabe) Einband:Gebunden im Hardcover (HC): 178 Seiten mit zahlreichen Abbildungen ,Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeQuart = Höhe des Buchrücken 30-35 cm,Verleger:Verlag:Amsterdam, Time-Life Bücher,1990,ohne Fehl und Tadel. Geschichte
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Bestell-Nr.: 18837 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geschichte
Anbieter: Modernes Antiquariat Werner Hainz, DE-42285 Wuppertal
Versandkostenfrei nach Deutschland (Land-/Seeweg) ab EUR 25,00 Bestellwert bei diesem Anbieter.
Der Anbieter weist keine Mehrwertsteuer aus (brutto = netto).

EUR 9,95
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 1,80
Lieferzeit: 1 - 4 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Geschichte Redaktion Time-Life Bücher Verleger:Verlag:Amsterdam, Time-Life Bücher Einband:Gebunden im Hardcover (HC): 176 Seiten mit zahlreichen Abbildungen ,Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeQuart = Höhe des Buchrücken 30-35 cm,Verleger:Verlag:Amsterdam, Time-Life Bücher,1990,ohne Fehl und Tadel. die frühen Hochkulturen Spektrum der Weltgeschichte 3000-1500 vor Christus, Time Life 1992, Großband, 176 Seiten, eindrucksvoll bebildert (Gebundene Ausgabe) Einband:Gebunden im Hardcover (HC): 176 Seiten mit zahlreichen Abbildungen ,Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeQuart = Höhe des Buchrücken 30-35 cm,Verleger:Verlag:Amsterdam, Time-Life Bücher,1990,ohne Fehl und Tadel. Geschichte
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Bestell-Nr.: 18839 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geschichte
Anbieter: Modernes Antiquariat Werner Hainz, DE-42285 Wuppertal
Versandkostenfrei nach Deutschland (Land-/Seeweg) ab EUR 25,00 Bestellwert bei diesem Anbieter.
Der Anbieter weist keine Mehrwertsteuer aus (brutto = netto).

EUR 9,95
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 1,80
Lieferzeit: 1 - 4 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Engel,Fritz-Martin  Life around us

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Engel,Fritz-Martin Life around us 1. Aufl Contents u.a.: Life and Temperature. Water - Basic Element of Life. Life in Light and Darkness. Varying conditions of Life. 206 Seiten. Illustrated with photographs and drawings.. Thomas Y. Crowell Comp.. New York. 1965. Mit Gebrauchsspuren/Used condition. Halbleinen mit Schutzumschlag/Hardcover/Dustjacket. Stempel,Rückenaufkleber,Klebespuren. Bibliotheksexemplar/Library copy. Sprache: englisch/english. Zoologie,Allgemeine
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Bestell-Nr.: 2M3958 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Zoologie,Allgemeine
Anbieter: Clivia Mueller (Versandantiquariat Robert A. Mueller Nachf.), DE-30916 Isernhagen

EUR 6,35
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,70
Lieferzeit: 3 - 8 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Biography, life Work Biographie, leben, Werk Bush, Douglas: John Milton: A sketch of his Life and Writings. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1965. En excellent shape. U.a. Early life and writings. The revolution and the commonwealth. Of education. Areopagitica. Sonnets. The restauration. Paradise lost. Paradise regained. Originalpappband. 224 Seitne. INDEX. First edition. En excellent shape. U.a. Early life and writings. The revolution and the commonwealth. Of education. Areopagitica. Sonnets. The restauration. Paradise lost. Paradise regained.
[SW: Biography, life Work Biographie, leben, Werk]
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Bestell-Nr.: 295075 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Literaturgeschichte / Literaturwissenschaft
Anbieter: Chiemgauer Internet Antiquariat GbR, DE-83352 Altenmarkt
Konto in der Schweiz vorhanden - Zahlung über PayPal möglich auf folgende Email: strassberger@email.de

EUR 28,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Time-Life Bücher, Amsterdam (Hrsg.) Der Zweite Weltkrieg. 12 Bände Verlag: Time-Life International (Nederland) B. V. Verlag: Time-Life International (Nederland) B. V. - sonst gutes Exemplar / Enthalten: China - Burma - Indien; Don Moser / Die Gegenoffensive im Pazifik; Rafael Steinberg / Der Krieg in der Wüste; Richard Collier / Die Schlacht im Atlantik; Barrie Pitt / Der Angriff auf Russland; Nicholas Bethell / Der Feldzug in Italien; Robert Wallace / Der Partisanenkrieg; Ronald H. Bailey / Die Luftschlacht um England; Leonard Mosley / Der Blitzkrieg; Robert Wernick / Der Weg zum Krieg; Robert T. Elson / Die Invasion der Alliierten; Douglas Botting / Die aufgehende Sonne; Arthur Zich / und der Redaktion der Time-Life Bücher - Time-Life International (Nederland) B. V., Amsterdam, 1979-1981. Je Band 208 S. mit zahlreichen Abbildungen, Pappbände, quart, (3 Bände Rücken leicht eingerissen/ein Rücken leicht berieben)
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Bestell-Nr.: 2i9644 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Militärbücher
Anbieter: Celler Versandantiquariat, DE-29358 Eicklingen
Bei Problemen in Zusammenhang mit einer Bestellung erreichen Sie uns am besten über unsere E-Mail-Adresse: Celler.Versandantiquariat@t-online.de Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit.

EUR 60,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 5,90
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Autorengruppe;  Book of Abstracts international Conference Nuclear analytical Methods in the Life sciences - Prag, 13.-17. September 1993

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Autorengruppe; Book of Abstracts international Conference Nuclear analytical Methods in the Life sciences - Prag, 13.-17. September 1993 Prag, J.M. Marci Spectroscopie Society and University of Agriculture, 1993. 202 Seiten , 30 cm , kartoniert das Buch ist in einem gutem, gebrauchten Zustand, CONTENTS: J.J.N.de Goeij: Challenges methods in the life Sciences - R.M.Lindstrom, E.A.Mackey, R.L.Paul: Analytical applications of guided neutron beams in the life Sciences - N.M.Spyrou, M.B.Alamin: Simultaneous `cyclic and prompt neutron activation in large landfill and sewage sample analysis - M.Makarewicz, R.Zeisler: Enhanced sensitivity for the determination of selenium by INAA - P.Bach, S.ciuzeau, C.Lanbermont: Application of nuclear analytical techniques using Igng life sealed tube neutron generators - H.W.Thüaunel, C.Segebade, K.Hirsch: gamma activation techniques of biological and environmental samples using a very high power electron accelerator - R.E.Jervis: Nuclear analytical techniques in environmental studies - A.A.Kist: Use of nuclear analytical techniques in bioenvironmental studies - S.S.Krishnan, R.E.Jervis, L.D.Vela; Studies of incinerator ashes and its environmental effects using radioanalytical techniques - C.Caniglia, I.Calliari, L.Celin, A.M.Tollardo, A contribution to pollutants monitoring - V.M.Nazarov, M.V.Frontasyeva, V*P.Chinova, S.B.Borzakov: NAA biomonitoring of the environment with mosses and pine tree needles - T.Elninr, B.M.Noharram: Studles on human exposure to Tanta, Egypt using EDXRF - I.V.Shtangeeva: The behaviour of Chemical elements in plante and soils - D.Behne, H.Gessner, A.Kyriakopoulos: study selenoproteins - A.Chatt: Speciation of trace elements in macromolecules using nuclear and bioanalytical methods - E.Sabbioni: Recent developments in nuclear analytical techniques in metal toxicology studies - uuAiuuxuyy äuuaxes N.Haselberger, R.Zeisler: Detection and determination by nuclear techniques - Chlfang Chai, Jibin Tian, Qinfang Qian, Peiqiin Zhang, Qin Xu: study of low selenium environment in China by INAA and Mössbauer spectrometry - J.Kuöera,: Vanadium levels in urine and cystine levels in and hair of exposed and normal persons - V.Ye.Zaichik: gland: Standard and disease - C.Schnabel, U.Herpers, R.Michel, G.Buchhorn, H.G.Willert: Trace element analysis of tissues of humans and rats - S.O.Rogero, M.Saiki: Determination of trace elements in human lung samples - S.S.Krishnan, W.C.Sturtridge, N.F.Olivieri, A.F.Collins, .Qureshi, S.M.Lui: using neutron activation analysis and other techniques - T.E.Burkovskaya, M.V.Frontasyeva, S.F.GundorIna: Elemental biosatiellitie "Cositios“2044" - N.N.Spyrou: Tomographie techniques using radiation elemental analysis in biomedical research - V.P.Perelygin, Yu.T.Chuburkov, Z.Szeglowski, I.Zvara: Novel method quantities of Pu by combination of neutron-induced and photofission - 6.Ya.Starodubov, A.G.Belov, O.D.Maslov, S.N.Dmitriev : Neutron and gamma activation analysis of microelements with using of compact electron accelerator MT-25 - D.Schulze, H.Kupsch, C.Segebade: Determination of heavy metals in humic substances by instrumental photon activation analysis - O.Assatel, N.M.Spyrou: Photonuclear reaction yield in tissues used as an index of abnormality - E.A.Mackey: Effects of target temperature on analytical neutron capture prompt gamma-ray activation analysis - ect. ..... 1i3b Book of Abstracts international Conference Nuclear analytical Methods in the Life sciences - Prag, 13.-17. September 1993; Internationale Konferenz; Nuklearanalytische Methoden in den Lebenswissenschaften - Prag, 13.-17. September 1993; Physik; Naturwissenschaft; 1
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Bestell-Nr.: 45110 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Physik
Anbieter: Antiquariat Ardelt, DE-01983 Großräschen

EUR 69,95
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 15,00
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
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Fahrenberg, Jochen and Michael Myrtek (Editors).  Progress in Ambulatory Assessment. Computer assisted psychological and psychophysiological methods in monitoring and field studies.

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Fahrenberg, Jochen and Michael Myrtek (Editors). Progress in Ambulatory Assessment. Computer assisted psychological and psychophysiological methods in monitoring and field studies. Seattle / Toronto / Bern / Göttingen, Hogrefe and Huber Publishers, 2001. X, 627 S., Gr.-Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, gebunden, Pp. Neuwertig, mit graphischen Darstellungen. Sprache: Englisch. -- Ambulatory assessment - the acquisition of psychological and/or physiological data in a natural setting - is a field in which, as this book`s title indicates, rapid progress is being made. Indeed, ambulatory assessment is entering a period of transition: IT and online techniques are being developed and refined, and ever more researchers and clinicians from various fields are coming to realize the usefulness of data collected in real-time, under real-life conditions. With contributors from the USA and Europe, this book explores in detail the use of computer-assisted methods in both research and applied settings. Innovative techniques and approaches are described, which go far beyond the simple use of portable computers for data collection: online analysis and feedback, real-time processing, electronic diaries, ambulatory psychological tests and physiological measurements, event-contingent applications, and much more. In addition to describing new techniques, the book also describes concrete applications (and presents some innovative results) of a variety of methods in real-life occupational and clinical settings. Examples include patients with chronic pain, borderline personality disorder, high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes or hot flashes in the clinical area; and aviation, air traffic control, occupational stress and heart rate or blood pressure in the occupational area. The most recent innovations and applications in the field of ambulatory assessment, a rapidly advancing field concerned with computer-assisted psychological and physiological monitoring in natural, real-life settings. (Verlagstext). Inhalt: Heart Rate Monitoring in an Academic Test Situation. Hans Zeier, Alexandra Haseli, and Joachim Fischer On-line Measurement of Additional Heart Rate. Methodology and Applications. Michael Myrtek and Friedrich Foerster Interactive Psychophysiological Monitoring of Emotions in Students` Everyday life. A Replication Study. Michael Myrtek, Denis Zanda, and Eveline Aschenbrenner In-Flight Psychophysiological Monitoring. Glenn Wilson Psychophysiological Monitoring of Air Traffic Controllers: Exploration, Simulation, Validation. Joachim Vogt and Michael Kastner Ecological Momentary Assessment in Aviation: The Development of a Pilot Experience Evaluating Device (PEED) for the In-Flight Registration of Flight Phases, Mental Effort, and Reacton Time. Eamonn K. S. Hanson and Jan Bar^anski Ambulatory Monitoring of Menopausal Hot Flashes. Robert R. Freedman Giving Feedback to Asthma Patients. Ambulatory Monitoring in Patient Education. Christian Leopold and Rainer Schandry. Ambulatory Assessment of Hypoglycemia Unawareness in Type 1 Diabetes. Thomas Kubiak and Norbert Hermanns. Feasibility of Ambulatory Sleep Diagnosis. Egon Stephan, Dirk Alfer, Ansgar Feist, Eeonie Fricke, Markus Miihlensiep, Rolf K. Weiss, andjorn P. Sieb. Electrodermal Long-Term Monitoring in Everyday life. Wolfram Boucsein, Florian Schaefer, and Thorsten Sommer. Some New Developments in Ambulatory Assessment Devices. Egon Stephan, GerhardMufy Ansgar Feist, and Rolf K. Weiss. From Ambulatory Assessment to Telemedicine. Conceptual, Technical and Political Aspects of Remote Data Assessment and Transfer. u. a. 088937225X ISBN: 088937225X
[SW: Ambulante Behandlung, Patientenüberwachung, Verhaltensdiagnostik ; Computerunterstütztes Verfahren, Aufsatzsammlung, Psychophysiologische Diagnostik, Psychologie, Medizin, Psychophysiologie, psychophysiologische Methoden, Jochen Fahrenberg, Michael Myrtek]
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Bestell-Nr.: 17429 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Psychologie/Pädagogik: Sonstiges Psychologie
Anbieter: Versandantiquariat Harald Gross, DE-65719 Hofheim
Versandkostenfrei nach Deutschland (Land-/Seeweg) ab EUR 50,00 Bestellwert bei diesem Anbieter.
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EUR 19,95
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,00
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
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Bildbände Time Life Verlag Verlag: Amsterdam : Time-Life Büche Illustriertes Hardcover, Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeQuart = Höhe des Buchrücken 30-35 cm, 176 Seiten, mit zahlreichen farbigen, teils ganzseitigen Abbildungen. Original Pappeinband mit farbiger Illustration.,Verlag: Amsterdam : Time-Life Bücher, 1991, in einem dem Alter entsprechenden ordentlichen Zustand ohne hand Der Planet Erde: Die Atmosphäre Illustriertes Hardcover, Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeQuart = Höhe des Buchrücken 30-35 cm, 176 Seiten, mit zahlreichen farbigen, teils ganzseitigen Abbildungen. Original Pappeinband mit farbiger Illustration.,Verlag: Amsterdam : Time-Life Bücher, 1991, in einem dem Alter entsprechenden ordentlichen Zustand ohne hand Naturwissenschaften
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Bestell-Nr.: 9547 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Bildbände
Anbieter: Modernes Antiquariat Werner Hainz, DE-42285 Wuppertal
Versandkostenfrei nach Deutschland (Land-/Seeweg) ab EUR 25,00 Bestellwert bei diesem Anbieter.
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EUR 2,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 1,80
Lieferzeit: 1 - 4 Werktage
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