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Chopey, Nicholas P.:  Environmental Engineering in the Process Plant.

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Chopey, Nicholas P.: Environmental Engineering in the Process Plant. McGraw-Hill Education, 1992. This is a collection of 36 articles taken from "Chemical Engineering" magazine. The book aims to enable engineers to keep up to date with major changes in environmental engineering. The articles cover problems and solutions for airborne and liquid pollutants, and other environmental hazards. Safety issues, the handling of toxic materials and hazardous waste disposal and storage are emphasized throughout. Critical topics covered include sealing off fugitive emissions, scrubbing toxic inorganics, cleaning up NOX emissions, ridding aqueous streams of VOCs, making wastewater less toxic, hazard communication and management of environmental audits. The book is divided into three sections covering problems and solutions in the plant, the sections are: solving airborne-pollution problems; solving liquid-pollution problems and other environmental engineering solutions. ISBN: 9780070110359 224 Seiten, gebundene Ausgabe, sehr gut
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Bestell-Nr.: 37898 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Technik
Anbieter: Antiquariat Kalyana, DE-58332 Schwelm

EUR 24,90
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,90
Lieferzeit: 1 - 2 Werktage
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