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The Beckoning Path. Lessons of a lifelong garden. The photographs and garden of Ted Nierenberg. Text Mark Kane.

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Garten, Gartenkunst, Gärtner, Gärtnern Nierenberg, Ted: The Beckoning Path. Lessons of a lifelong garden. The photographs and garden of Ted Nierenberg. Text Mark Kane. New York, Aperture, 1993. SEHR GUTES Exemplar. - That Ted Nierenberg has mastered both the arts of landscaping and of making pictures is gloriously evident in The Beckoning Path: Lessons of a Lifelong Garden. On the land the Algonquin Indians called Cobamong, or "beautiful, hidden valley," Nierenberg has created a singular masterpiece of forest gardening, artfully reinterpreted here in eloquent photography. In a special chapter offering ten lessons on garden design, Mark Kane, former executive editor of Fine Gardening magazine, combines his knowledge with Nierenberg`s hands-on experience to present gardeners with a wealth of practical information. When Nierenberg first purchased the land in Armonk, New York, time and abuse had reduced it to fifteen brambled acres, so overgrown that the new owner had to hack his way to the pond at the property`s center. Still, he sensed what the land had been and what it could again become and took upon himself the labor of reclaiming it. Originalhalbleinen mit Originalumschlag 127 Seiten. Mit zahlreichen farbigen Abbildungen. SEHR GUTES Exemplar. - That Ted Nierenberg has mastered both the arts of landscaping and of making pictures is gloriously evident in The Beckoning Path: Lessons of a Lifelong Garden. On the land the Algonquin Indians called Cobamong, or "beautiful, hidden valley," Nierenberg has created a singular masterpiece of forest gardening, artfully reinterpreted here in eloquent photography. In a special chapter offering ten lessons on garden design, Mark Kane, former executive editor of Fine Gardening magazine, combines his knowledge with Nierenberg`s hands-on experience to present gardeners with a wealth of practical information. When Nierenberg first purchased the land in Armonk, New York, time and abuse had reduced it to fifteen brambled acres, so overgrown that the new owner had to hack his way to the pond at the property`s center. Still, he sensed what the land had been and what it could again become and took upon himself the labor of reclaiming it.
[SW: Garten, Gartenkunst, Gärtner, Gärtnern]
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Bestell-Nr.: 257333 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Gartenbau / Gartenkunst / Gartenarchitektur
Anbieter: Chiemgauer Internet Antiquariat GbR, DE-83352 Altenmarkt
Konto in der Schweiz vorhanden - Zahlung über PayPal möglich auf folgende Email: strassberger@email.de

EUR 16,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage
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