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Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing

Sachgebiet: Romane (engl.)

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Es wurden insgesamt 24 Artikel gefunden. Artikel 1 bis 15 werden dargestellt.

Anne Bronte  The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

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Anne Bronte The Tenant of Wildfell Hall Oxford University Press - World`s Classics 1993 Taschenbuch You must go back with me to the autumn of 1827. My father, as you know, was a sort of gentleman farmer in ------shire; and I, by his express desire, succeeded him in the same quiet occupation, not very willingly, for ambition urged me to higher aims, and self-conceit assured me that, in disregarding its voice, I was burying my talent in the earth, and hiding my light under a bushel. My mother had done her utmost to persuade me that I was capable of great achievements; but my father, who thought ambition was the surest road to ruin, and change but another word for destruction, would listen to no scheme for bettering either my own condition, or that of my fellow mortals. Synopsis Anne Bronte's heroine, Helen Huntingdon, having endured too many of the revolting scenes, leaves her dissolute husband to earn her own living and rescue her son from his influence. This up-to-date edition with full student annotation is based on the 1st edition of 1848. Anne Bronte, (leider!!) stets die letztgenannte der talentierten Bronte-Schwestern, hat mit diesem Roman auf Probleme aufmerksam gemacht, die in einem Buch zu beschreiben für ihre Zeit eher untypisch waren. Der heutige Leser oder die heutige Leserin wird aber feststellen, dass sie mit ihren Schilderungen ihrer Zeit voraus war, und dass sie sich nicht vor ihren Schwestern Charlotte und Emily Bronte zu verstecken braucht! Ihre Heldin, die hübsche Helen, kommt gemeinsam mit ihrem Sohn als unbekannte Schönheit in eine kleine englische Ortschaft und zieht in die alten Gemäuer der Wildfell Hall ein. Da sie über ihre Vergangenheit nichts verraten möchte, sondern nur vorgibt, Witwe zu sein, zieht sie bald den Klatsch und Tratsch der Ortschaft auf sich - nur einer, der junge Gilbert Markham, empfindet Sympathie und bald auch Liebe für sie, die sie nicht erwidern darf; sie gibt ihm ihr Tagebuch zu lesen. Anhand eben dieses Tagebuchs erfahren wir sodann die Vorgeschichte der Helen Huntington - einer Frau, die genaue Vorstellungen von ihrem zukünftigen Ehemann hatte, und sich auch gestattete, diese Vorstellungen zu äußern. In dem charmanten Arthur Huntington glaubte sie, ihre große Liebe gefunden zu haben, doch er entpuppte sich als vergnügungssüchtiger Trinker, und machte Helen das Leben zur Hölle.... und das bis zu ihrer verzweifelten Flucht mit ihrem Sohn, die sie nach Wildfell Hall brachte. Dieses Buch ist vielleicht kein vollendetes Meisterwerk, verdient es aber, gelesen zu werden! Wer die anderen Bücher der Geschwister Bronte genossen hat, wird auch dieses Buch sehr schätzen, obwohl die Thematik eine andere, wenn auch ganz und gar nicht unaktuell, ist. Es ist spannend zu lesen, tiefsinnig, ausdrucksstark, mit einem schönen, vielleicht etwas zu langem Ende - alles in allem ein wirklich gutes Buch! 520 18,5 x 11,4 x 3,3 cm ISBN: 9780192829894
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Bestell-Nr.: BN6142 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Romane (engl.)
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
Die Anbieterin wird ab 14.01.2024 bis zum 14.02.2024 nicht erreichbar sein, Bestellungen werden nicht bearbeitet in dieser Zeit.

EUR 13,89
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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Bohjalian, Chris A.  Skeletons at the Feast

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Bohjalian, Chris A. Skeletons at the Feast CROWN PUB INC 2008 Hardcover Capturing both the power and poignancy of romance and the terror and tragedy of war, Bohjalian's latest work puts a moving face on one of the 20th century's greatest tragedies. In his 12th novel, Bohjalian (The Double Bind) paints the brutal landscape of Nazi Germany as German refugees struggle westward ahead of the advancing Russian army. Inspired by the unpublished diary of a Prussian woman who fled west in 1945, the novel exhumes the ruin of spirit, flesh and faith that accompanied thousands of such desperate journeys. Prussian aristocrat Rolf Emmerich and his two elder sons are sent into battle, while his wife flees with their other children and a Scottish POW who has been working on their estate. Before long, they meet up with Uri Singer, a Jewish escapee from an Auschwitz-bound train, who becomes the group's protector. In a parallel story line, hundreds of Jewish women shuffle west on a gruesome death march from a concentration camp. Bohjalian presents the difficulties confronting both sets of travelers with carefully researched detail and an unflinching eye, but he blinks when creating the Emmerichs, painting them as untainted by either their privileged status, their indoctrination by the Nazi Party or their adoration of Hitler. Although most of the characters lack complexity, Bohjalian's well-chosen descriptions capture the anguish of a tragic era and the dehumanizing desolation wrought by war. The perfect novel for a book club...this book sucked me right in. It’s vivid and heart-wrenching. John Searles, The Today Show Reading Bohjalian's descriptions of terror and tragedy on the road has just as much impact as seeing newsreels from the end of World War II....While creating suspense, Bohjalian agilely balances the moral ambiguities of war....Right and wrong shift depending on the situation. Ignorance is tolerated and murder is justified. But Bohjalian does posit that one absolute exists: No one wins at war. Dennis Moore, USA Today Harrowing...ingenious...compelling..Judging who's right or wrong is difficult in Skeletons at the Feast, and one senses that's just the way Bohjalian wants it...A tightly woven, moving story for anyone who thinks there's nothing left to learn, or feel, about the Second World War. That Bohjalian can extract greater truths about faith, hope and compassion from something as mundane as a diary is testament not only to his skill as a writer but also to the enduring ability of well-written war fiction to stir our deepest emotions. Paula L. Woods, The Los Angeles Times Harrowing...Bohjalian spins a suspenseful tale in which the plot triumphs over any single sorrow...[His] sense of character and place, his skillful plotting and his clear grasp of this confusing period of history make for a deeply satisfying novel, one that asks readers to consider, and reconsider, how they would rise to the challenge of terrible deprivation and agonizing moral choices. Margot Livesey, The Washington Post Book World A poignant account of the conflict's last year...Harrowing...In creating the Emmerichs and their relationship to Uri, Bohjalian has given us something new and disturbing. He has also created a wonderful character in the protected child, Theo, whose gradual understanding of what is happening to them is moving and real...Bohjalian has given us an important addition to the story of World War II, and, not at all incidentally, may expand the vision of those who may have avoided 'Holocaust literature' in the past. Roberta Silman, The Boston Globe Rich in character and gorgeous writing.” Jodi Picoult, Real Simple Bohjalian has shown a prodigious gift for exploring how people are transformed.” Entertainment Weekly Chris Bohjalian has done it again! His latest novel, Skeletons at the Feast...is more than well worth the read...Along this journey we not only see the horrors of the war unfold, we see the individuals evolve. The Valley Voice A bittersweet story of romance, war and death, inspired in part by a real diary...Strongly dramatic and full of the heartbreaking horror of war, this novel is Bohjalian at his imaginative best. Carole Godlberg, The Hartford Courant Skeletons at the Feast is a prime example of a well-written historical fiction. Readers will feel the despair experienced by the characters but will be able to find the bit of hope that keeps them moving forward. Bohjalian provides a vivid and well-researched look at the horrors experienced by the characters and presents a more personal account of anguish caused by the events of World War II. Courtney Holschuh, The Huntington, W.V. Herald-Dispatch Intense and fascinating...Bohjalian masterfully presents the desperation of troops who realize their cause is doomed...He successfully captures the humanity of one of the 20th century's most horrendous tragedies. The Rocky Mountain News This story mixes the nail-biting brutality of 'The Kite Runner' with the emotional intimacy of Anne Frank's diary. Austin American-Statesman An extraordinary historical novel based on the exodus of Germans in eastern Germany escaping the Soviet Army's advance in the waning days of World War II...A sense of justice pervades all of [Bohjalian's'] books. He demands that we act humanely toward one another and understand and respect others' beliefs and values. . .Skeletons at the Feast is not a screed on good vs.evil, but it does inspire thought on man's inhumanity to man, and, conversely, how individuals overcome adversity with acts of kindness, civility and integrity. The Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel Riveting...an unforgettable finale...Chris Bohjalian handles the context of this story effortlessly and has created characters so engaging that any reader will find themselves connecting with these very real people...I hail Bohjalian's new novel and its fearless account of one of the greatest tragedies of the 20th century. Ray Palen, Bookreporter This is the perfect novel for a book club because there’s so much to discuss. It’s vivid and heart-wrenching. John Searles, Cosmopolitan, on The Today Show, “Top 10 Summer Reads” Nail-biting, heart-ripping...The reader of Skeletons at the Feast is quietly checkmated by Bohjalian into a radical compassion we've heard somewhere before: Love Thy Enemy...I loved this unforgettable novel. Tom Paine, The Burlington Free Press A lush romance, reflecting resilience in the face of nearly certain tragedy....a trenchant epic that is both agonizing and enriching. AirTran Magazine A fictional tale of love, violence and redemption...Bohjalian deftly moves from the journey to the back stories of each character, fleshing out their histories and making their choices more poignant as their friendship and interdependence develop. Who will live and who will die? The author keeps up the suspense until the last page, with a surprise twist at the end. Capital Living Magazine Powerful...Skeletons at the Feast positively resonates with authenticity. I've read several accounts of that small part of World War II, but it took this novel to bring home to me, most clearly and vividly, the dreadful ordeal these people endured...[The Holocaust's] evils are more palpable when its victims come to life-and, in so many cases, death-in the pages of a well-crafted novel. Bohjalian allows the reader to know them and identify with them in a way that no photographs or program on the History Channel can match. A.C. Hutchinson, The Times-Argus Chris Bohjalian has written his finest novel to date, set against the brutal, waning days of World War Two in Eastern Germany....Skeletons at the Feast is Bohjalian's masterpiece. The power of the narrative will stay with the reader long after it is put down. Inspired by an actual World War II diary the author read, it will stand as one of the best novels ever written about one of the most brutal periods in history. Marvin Minkler, The North Star Monthly A deeply moving and engrossing novel...Bohjalian has created a microcosm of that devastating winter of 1945. He makes us care deeply for his characters. His terse, dry prose renders the most appalling atrocities in an almost stoic manner, doubling the emotional impact. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch Immensely readable...Bohjalian takes a fresh perspective and details the brutal realities of World War II in a novel that for once does not focus entirely on the Allies. Recommended for fiction collections. Library Journal “Careful research and an unflinching eye...Bohjalian's well-chosen descriptions capture the anguish of a tragic era and the dehumanizing desolation wrought by war.” Publisher’s Weekly Bohjalian is especially good at conveying the surreal 'beauty,' the misshapen lyricism, of the war-torn landscape: 'Even the stone church had collapsed upon itself…the once imposing pipes of the organ reshaped by heat and flame into giant copper-colored mushrooms.' From harrowing to inspiring. Kirkus Reviews “Bohjalian demonstrates an intricate historical knowledge and impressively illustrates the stark horrors of the time...A compelling read with its mix of history, romance and portrayals of strength in the midst of severe adversity: War really is hell, the book says, but the human spirit is ultimately salvageable.” Rebecca Stropoli, Bookpage ausgemustertes Büchereiexemplar in sehr gutem Zustand! Sämtliche bibliotheksspezifischen Merkmale konnten entfernt werden! 372 241x173x35 mm ISBN: 9780307394958
[SW: Fiction - General;Fiction / General]
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Bestell-Nr.: BN13349 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Romane (engl.)
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
Die Anbieterin wird ab 14.01.2024 bis zum 14.02.2024 nicht erreichbar sein, Bestellungen werden nicht bearbeitet in dieser Zeit.

EUR 14,85
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Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Charles Dickens  Our Mutual Friend (Everyman`s Library No. 294)

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Charles Dickens Our Mutual Friend (Everyman`s Library No. 294) J.M. Dent & Sons London 1953 Hardcover Schutzumschlag etwas randrissig, Seiten altersbedingt nachgedunkelt! Wunderbares Sammlerexemplar! 780
[SW: Charles Dickens]
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Bestell-Nr.: BN18218 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Romane (engl.)
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
Die Anbieterin wird ab 14.01.2024 bis zum 14.02.2024 nicht erreichbar sein, Bestellungen werden nicht bearbeitet in dieser Zeit.

EUR 39,95
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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Charlotte Bronte Shirley Penguin Popular Classics 1994 2. Auflage Taschenbuch Seiten etwas nachgedunkelt, sehr guter Zustand! Set in Yorkshire during the Napoleonic Wars, this novel articulates the social realities of economic hardship, the Luddite riots, dissatisfaction with the Government and an inadequate Church. Moore, a mill owner who ignores the suffering of his workers, affects the lives of Caroline and Shirley. 666 ISBN: 9780140620238
[SW: Roman/englischsprachig]
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Bestell-Nr.: BN38393 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Romane (engl.)
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
Die Anbieterin wird ab 14.01.2024 bis zum 14.02.2024 nicht erreichbar sein, Bestellungen werden nicht bearbeitet in dieser Zeit.

EUR 49,95
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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Charlotte Bronte/Emily Bronte/Anne Bronte  The Bronte Collection. Jane Eyre/Wuthering Heights /The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

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Charlotte Bronte/Emily Bronte/Anne Bronte The Bronte Collection. Jane Eyre/Wuthering Heights /The Tenant of Wildfell Hall BCA/Omnibus edition 1998 4. Auflage Hardcover SU etwas randrissig, fast wie neu! Inhalt: - Jane Eyre (Ch. Bronte) - Wuthering Heights (E. Bronte) - The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (A. Bronte) 705
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Bestell-Nr.: BN20542 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Romane (engl.)
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
Die Anbieterin wird ab 14.01.2024 bis zum 14.02.2024 nicht erreichbar sein, Bestellungen werden nicht bearbeitet in dieser Zeit.

EUR 39,15
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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Lady Chatterley`s Lover

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D.H. Lawrence Lady Chatterley`s Lover Penguin Popular Classics 1997 2. Auflage Taschenbuch sehr gut erhalten! Constance Chatterley is unhappy. Married to an invalid, she is almost as inwardly paralysed as her husband Clifford is below the waist. It is not until she finds refuge in the arms of Mellors the game-keeper, that she feels regenerated, and together they move towards an inner world of fulfillment. 314 ISBN: 9780140622508
[SW: Roman/englischsprachig]
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Bestell-Nr.: BN38395 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Romane (engl.)
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
Die Anbieterin wird ab 14.01.2024 bis zum 14.02.2024 nicht erreichbar sein, Bestellungen werden nicht bearbeitet in dieser Zeit.

EUR 18,90
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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David Grossman  Be My Knife. A Novel

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David Grossman Be My Knife. A Novel Farrar, Straus & Giraux 2001 Taschenbuch A compelling love story from the leading Israeli novelist of his generation mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren! 305 ISBN: 9780374299774
[SW: novel]
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Bestell-Nr.: BN21716 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Romane (engl.)
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
Die Anbieterin wird ab 14.01.2024 bis zum 14.02.2024 nicht erreichbar sein, Bestellungen werden nicht bearbeitet in dieser Zeit.

EUR 12,75
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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Snow Falling on Cedars

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David Guterson Snow Falling on Cedars Vintage Contemporaries 1995 Taschenbuch wie neu! A phenomenal West Coast bestseller, winner of the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Award, the PEN/Faulkner Award, and an Abby Award nominee, this enthralling novel is at once a murder mystery, a courtroom drama, the story of a doomed love affair, and a stirring meditation on place, prejudice, and justice. Finely wrought, flawlessly written.--The New York Times Book Review. 460 ISBN: 9780679764021
[SW: Roman/englischsprachiger Roman]
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Bestell-Nr.: BN28809 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Romane (engl.)
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
Die Anbieterin wird ab 14.01.2024 bis zum 14.02.2024 nicht erreichbar sein, Bestellungen werden nicht bearbeitet in dieser Zeit.

EUR 11,85
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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Dean Koontz  Mr. Murder

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Dean Koontz Mr. Murder BCA 1993 Hardcover/gebunden sehr gut erhalten! A successful mystery writer with a happy family, Marty considers himself lucky--until a stranger breaks into his house and claims to be the real Marty Stillwater. Martin Stillwater is a novelist with a wife and children he adores -- and an imagination he can't control. One rainy afternoon, a stranger breaks into Martin's house and accuses him of stealing his family, his name, and his life. Martin has no choice but to take his family and flee, even as he questions his own sanity. But wherever they go, the stranger is right behind them. 409
[SW: Roman/Krimi]
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Bestell-Nr.: BN25068 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Romane (engl.)
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
Die Anbieterin wird ab 14.01.2024 bis zum 14.02.2024 nicht erreichbar sein, Bestellungen werden nicht bearbeitet in dieser Zeit.

EUR 7,95
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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Wuthering Heights

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Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights Penguin Popular Classics 1994 6. Auflage Taschenbuch sehr guter Zustand! In a house haunted by memories, the past is everywhere ...As darkness falls, a man caught in a snowstorm is forced to shelter at the strange, grim house Wuthering Heights. It is a place he will never forget. There he will come to learn the story of Cathy: how she was forced to choose between her well-meaning husband and the dangerous man she had loved since she was young. How her choice led to betrayal and terrible revenge - and continues to torment those in the present. How love can transgress authority, convention, even death. And how desire can kill. 279 ISBN: 9780140620122
[SW: Roman/englischsprachig]
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Bestell-Nr.: BN38396 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Romane (engl.)
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
Die Anbieterin wird ab 14.01.2024 bis zum 14.02.2024 nicht erreichbar sein, Bestellungen werden nicht bearbeitet in dieser Zeit.

EUR 28,75
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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Frank McCourt  Teacher Man. A Memoir

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Frank McCourt Teacher Man. A Memoir Harper Perennial 2006 Taschenbuch Seiten nachgedunkelt! 257 ISBN: 0007228023
[SW: Roman/englischsprachig]
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Bestell-Nr.: BN56370 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Romane (engl.)
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
Die Anbieterin wird ab 14.01.2024 bis zum 14.02.2024 nicht erreichbar sein, Bestellungen werden nicht bearbeitet in dieser Zeit.

EUR 10,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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Grisham, John  The Brethren

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Grisham, John The Brethren Random House Inc. 2001 Taschenbuch They call themselves the Brethren: three disgraced former judges doing time in a Florida federal prison. One was sent up for tax evasion. Another, for skimming bingo profits. And the third, for a career-ending drunken joyride. Meeting daily in the prison law library, taking exercise walks in their boxer shorts, these judges-turned-felons can reminisce about old court cases, dispense a little jailhouse justice, and contemplate where their lives went wrong. Or they can use their time in prison to get very rich -- very fast. And so they sit, sprawled in the prison library, furiously writing letters, fine-tuning a wickedly brilliant extortion scam...while events outside their prison walls begin to erupt. A bizarre presidential election is holding the nation in its grips -- and a powerful government figure is pulling some very hidden strings. For the Brethren, the timing couldn't be better. Because they've just found the perfect victim... John Grisham's novels have all been so systematically successful that it is easy to forget he is just one man toiling away silently with a pen, experimenting and improving with each book. While not as gifted a prose stylist as Scott Turow, Grisham is among the best plotters in the thriller business and he infuses his books with a moral valence and creative vision that set them apart from their peers. The Brethren is in many respects his most daring and accomplished book yet. The novel grows from two separate subplots. In the first, three imprisoned ex-judges (the brethren of the title), frustrated by their loss of power and influence, concoct an elaborate blackmail scheme preying on wealthy closeted gay men. The second story traces the rise of presidential candidate Aaron Lake, a man essentially created by CIA directory Teddy Maynard to fulfil Maynard's plans for restoring the power of his beleaguered agency. Grisham's tight control of the two meandering threads leaves the reader guessing through most of the opening chapters how and when these two worlds will collide. Also impressive is Grisham's careful portraiture. Justice Hatlee Beech in particular is a fascinating, tragic anti-hero: a millionaire judge with an appointment for life who was rendered divorced, bankrupt and friendless after his conviction for drunk-driving homicide. The book's cynical view of Presidential politics and criminal justice casts a somewhat gloomy shadow over the tale. CIA director Teddy Maynard is an all powerful demon with absolute knowledge and control of the public will and public funds. Even his candidate, Congressman Lake, is a pawn in Maynard's egomaniacal game of ad campaigns, illicit contributions and international intrigue. In the end, The Brethren marks a transition in Grisham's career towards a more thoughtful narrative style with less interest in the big-payoff blockbuster ending. But that's not to say that the last 50 pages won't keep you reading late into the early hours. 440 176x109x34 mm ISBN: 9780440236672
[SW: Amerikanische Belletristik / Roman, Erzählung;Englische Bücher / Belletristik / Kriminalroman, Thriller;Fiction / Legal;Fiction / Suspense]
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Bestell-Nr.: BN10274 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Romane (engl.)
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
Die Anbieterin wird ab 14.01.2024 bis zum 14.02.2024 nicht erreichbar sein, Bestellungen werden nicht bearbeitet in dieser Zeit.

EUR 5,45
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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Madame Bovary

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Gustave Flaubert Madame Bovary Wordsworth Classics 1993 Taschenbuch Seiten leicht nachgedunkelt! A powerful nineteenth-century French classic depicting the moral degeneration of a weak-willed woman. Madame Bovary has rarely failed to cause a storm. For Flaubert's contemporaries, the fascination came from the novelist's meticulous account of provincial matters. For the writer, subject matter was subordinate to his anguished quest for aesthetic perfection. For his twentieth-century successors the formal experiments that underpin Madame Bovary look forward to the innovations of contemporary fiction. Flaubert s protagonist in particular has never ceased to fascinate. Romantic heroine or middle-class neurotic, flawed wife and mother or passionate protester against the conventions of bourgeois society, simultaneously the subject of Flaubert s admiration and the butt of his irony - Emma Bovary remains one of the most enigmatic of fictional creations. Flaubert's meticulous approach to the craft of fiction, his portrayal of contemporary reality, his representation of an unforgettable cast of characters make Madame Bovary one of the major landmarks of modern fiction. 220 ISBN: 9781853260780
[SW: Roman/englischsprachig]
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Bestell-Nr.: BN38398 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Romane (engl.)
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
Die Anbieterin wird ab 14.01.2024 bis zum 14.02.2024 nicht erreichbar sein, Bestellungen werden nicht bearbeitet in dieser Zeit.

EUR 8,85
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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In den Warenkorb


Jo-Anne Richards  Touching the Lighthouse

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Jo-Anne Richards Touching the Lighthouse Review/Headline Book Publishing 1997 Taschenbuch Seiten nachgedunkelt, als Mängelexemplar gekennzeichnet! Kurzbeschreibung The tale of two young women caught up in the radical politics of Cape Town in the 1980s. It is the story of their loves, of their almost reckless desire to be part of the process of change, of their ambiguous relationship with Maud, their black maid, and of the strains placed on their friendship. 248 ISBN: 9780747255215
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Bestell-Nr.: BN13299 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Romane (engl.)
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
Die Anbieterin wird ab 14.01.2024 bis zum 14.02.2024 nicht erreichbar sein, Bestellungen werden nicht bearbeitet in dieser Zeit.

EUR 13,95
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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Johansen, Iris  Dead Aim

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Johansen, Iris Dead Aim BANTAM DELL 2003 Taschenbuch Photojournalist Alex Graham witnesses the collapse of the Arapahoe Dam in Colorado, but it was no accident. The official story is just a cover-up for a truth so unthinkable that Alex must be silenced. Now a relentless killer is focused on her. Heavy on verbs, light on adjectives, Johansen's latest fast-moving thriller offers lots of cinematic action, if not much to contemplate or savor. On assignment at a dam collapse in Colorado, photojournalist Alex Graham overhears a conversation between the conspirators who caused the collapse, which they disguised as an act of nature. When they realize that Alex has heard them, they go after her, and soon Alex's friend, Sarah Logan, is wounded in an attempt on Alex's life. Sarah's husband, John, a billionaire with political connections, believes he must hire someone to keep Alex safe. His contact is a man called Galen, a shadowy government operative, who in turn contacts Judd Morgan, a former military assassin who's been deep undercover. Knowing that Alex won't leave the dam mystery alone, and wanting to keep his own wife out of harm's way, John authorizes Judd to kidnap Alex and take her to a safe location. Alex persuades Judd that the dam collapse was a deliberate act, and that more sites are slated to be destroyed. The two team up to learn the identities of the conspirators, who appear to have ties to the FBI and the CIA, as well as to an assassin called Runne, who has his own agenda, and a Central American terrorist ring. There are chases and narrow escapes aplenty as Alex and Judd save the country-including the president himself-from violent mayhem. Some of the characters in Johansen's crowded cast remain murky, but the nonstop action and slick plotting won't disappoint. mit äußerlichen Gebrauchsspuren! 341 174x106x26 mm ISBN: 9780553584387
[SW: Fiction - Mystery / Detective;Fiction / Mystery & Detective / Women Sleuths;Fiction / Suspense]
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Bestell-Nr.: BN10328 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Romane (engl.)
Anbieter: Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
Die Anbieterin wird ab 14.01.2024 bis zum 14.02.2024 nicht erreichbar sein, Bestellungen werden nicht bearbeitet in dieser Zeit.

EUR 4,95
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
Lieferzeit: 5 - 10 Werktage
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Wenn nicht anders angegeben, ist in den Preisen der EU-Anbieter Mehrwertsteuer enthalten.

FF-Nutzer: Kostenloses Such-Plugin für Antikbuch24 installieren
IE-Nutzer: Kostenloses Such-Plugin für Antikbuch24 installieren

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